Icon-mmprmovieThis article is about a/an set of Rangers in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, existing in a different continuity than the TV series.

For the original TV version of this team, see Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (team).
"Centuries ago, a legendary inter-dimensional being known as Zordon came to the city of Angel Grove to establish a command center for his never-ending struggle against evil. With the aid of his trusted assistant, Alpha 5, the noble master sought six extraordinary teenagers and gave them the power to transform into a superhuman fighting force. In time of great need, the young heroes could use their powers to call upon colossal assault vehicles known as Zords. The identity of the six remained a guarded secret. Today, that tradition continues!"
Dulcea during the opening crawl.[src]

The Power Rangers are armored heroes who access the power of the ancient Dinosaurs and White Tiger to battle evil. When they lost this power, they fought to gain new powers, the power of the Ninjetti and new Ninja Zords to continue to battle evil.


White Ranger Tommy Oliver
Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart
Black Ranger Adam Park
Blue Ranger Billy Cranston
Yellow Ranger Aisha Campbell
Red Ranger Rocky DeSantos

Team History[]

The Power Rangers were heroes that constantly tangled with Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. When the villains release Ivan Ooze from his thousand-year imprisonment in a Hyperlock Chamber, the Rangers battle him and his minions. He slips out of the battle and destroys the Command Center, leaving Zordon at the brink of death and draining the Rangers' Power Coins completely, thus rendering them powerless. Thus the Rangers decide to brave the wilderness of Phaedos for the Greater Power. With the help of Zordon's old friend Dulcea, they access the ancient power of Ninjetti and find the great Monolith, reaccessing their armored forms and gaining all new Zords!


Main article: Arsenal (MMPR Movie)


Legend:◆ piloted zord, ➲ aux zord


Dino Chargers[]

As part of NYCC 2015, Bandai released an exclusive Dino Charge Mighty Morphin' Movie Charger set with each Dino Charger depicting four pictures.[1] Each Charger featured the Ranger's Ranger form, a weapon specific to that Ranger, the Ranger's NinjaZord, and the MMPR Movie title.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • The main five suit designs were based upon Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger and Gosei Sentai Dairanger for the White Ranger. However, the suits were armored versions designed by PLEX which has stated that their suits are the inspiration for the Power Rangers Samurai Mega Modes.
  • Similar to the suit designs depicted in the main TV series' toyline, the Ranger suits seen in the movie bear chest emblems resembling their Power Coins, in addition to their actual coins in their morphers. These later changed accordingly when the Rangers switched over to the Ninjetti powers.


to be added


  • If the narration at the beginning of the movie is to be taken literally, it would appear that, unlike the TV show all six Rangers were chosen together; there is also no mention of the Red, Black and Yellow powers belonging to anyone before Rocky, Adam and Aisha nor is there any indication that Tommy was ever the Green Ranger prior to becoming the White Ranger.


See Also[]



All items (6)
