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- "You’ve been chosen to form an elite team to battle Rita. Each of you will be given access to extraordinary powers born from the ancient creatures you call ‘dinosaurs.' (...) Behold! The keys to your power. (...) Those are your Power Morphers. When in danger, raise them to the sky calling the name of your dinosaur and you will morph into a formidable fighting force known to one and all as the POWER RANGERS! (...) As Power Rangers, you will have access to a universe of power and will command a fleet of fighting machines called Zords. (...) Jason, Bold and powerful, you shall command the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. Zachary. You are clever and brave. You shall command the Mastodon Dinozord. Kimberly, graceful and smart. The Pterodactyl Dinozord will be yours. Billy, patient and wise. You shall command the powerful Triceratops Dinozord. Trini, fearless and agile. The Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord will be under your command. Observe the Viewing Globe. Just as the five of you work together, so do your Zords. When you need help, you need only to turn to the power of the Dinozords. Each will come together to form the mighty Megazord!"
- ―Zordon when founding the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.[src]
The Power Rangers, retroactively called the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, are the 1st Ranger Team.
They are a group of "teenagers with attitude" that Zordon of Eltar recruited to battle Rita Repulsa using the power that they wield with their Power Morphers and Power Coins. They developed a strong sense of unity, but whenever one had to move on with his or her life, Zordon appointed new ones to take over.
to be added
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]
When Rita Repulsa and her minions were freed from their imprisonment on the moon, Zordon took action to prevent her from taking over the Earth unchallenged. Instructing Alpha 5 to recruit "five teenagers with attitude," he chose Jason, Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Zack to receive the five Power Coins in his possession and become Power Rangers. These five rangers thwarted many of Rita's plots, but nearly met defeat when Rita used a sixth Power Coin to transform Tommy into her own evil Green Ranger. Tommy succeeded in cutting off communications with Zordon and trapping the Rangers' Zords before unleashing his own Dragonzord. However, Alpha was able to restore the Command Center's link with Zordon, who helped bring the Zords back, allowing the Rangers to defeat Dragonzord. Once Jason destroyed Tommy's Sword of Darkness, Tommy was freed from Rita's control, and immediately became a new member of the team.
Rita soon set out to take revenge on her former minion, using the Green Candle in an attempt to drain away Tommy's powers. The Rangers managed to stop her by having Tommy give his Power Coin to Jason, preventing Rita from draining way his powers. However, Tommy later reassumed the green powers after Rita managed to steal the other five Power Coins. As a result, his powers remained weak for some time, which would make him a target when Lord Zedd usurped control of Rita's forces. Eventually Tommy lost the Green Ranger powers, while the other Rangers upgraded their Dinozords into the Thunderzords. The continual threat of Lord Zedd, however, prompted Zordon and Alpha to create a new set of White Ranger powers, which were conferred upon Tommy due to his faithfulness in serving as the Green Ranger. He also became leader of the team, replacing Jason, who along with Zack and Trini later passed their powers on to new Rangers. This process would be accomplished using the Sword of Light, thus conferring Red, Black, and Yellow Ranger powers upon Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, and Aisha Campbell.
Eventually, all six Rangers would lose their powers after Rito Revolto arrived and helped Zedd and Rita-the pair having married some time previously-destroy the Thunder Zords. As such, they were forced to seek out Ninjor, the creator of the Power Coins, in the Desert of Despair. Eventually, they convinced Ninjor of their sincerity, and he granted them new Ninja powers to replace their old ones. The Rangers were thus able to continue their battles against Rita and Zedd's forces for some time, even after Rita's father Master Vile arrived to bolster their forces. Another change to the team came when Kimberly gave up her powers to Katherine Hillard, another reformed minion of Rita's. However, as a result of Vile's tampering with time, the Power Coins were destroyed, leaving the Rangers without their Ninja powers. They were thus forced to utilize the Zeo Crystal to obtain new powers, becoming the Zeo Rangers, effectively rendering this team null and void. However, as there were only five pieces of the crystal, only five rangers could be empowered by them. Aisha's place on the team was taken by Tanya Sloan who joins the four remaining rangers, while Billy stepped down to serve in a support role as passes his powers to Tanya.
In Space[]
When most of the Zeo Rangers became Turbo Rangers who eventually gave way to the Space Rangers, the few holdouts from the original team ceased to be active Rangers. However, original Red Ranger Jason and Black Ranger Adam would later return utilizing their Power Coins to take on their old personas and help new groups of Rangers. Adam would be first, taking up his damaged Morpher to help Carlos Vallerte-who replaced him as the Green Turbo Ranger-in dealing with emotional issues surrounding his battles with Lizwizard. Adam's actions were dangerous, as using a damaged Morpher with a destroyed Power Coin had the potential to cause him serious harm. However, he made it through with momentary pain, and managed to help Carlos find his self-confidence again.
Forever Red[]
Jason later took up his Red Ranger mantle again as part of a team of Veteran Red Rangers formed in "Forever Red." This group consisting of Jason, Tommy, and every Red Ranger up to Cole Evans-minus Rocky, whose Red Ranger powers had been returned to Jason by unknown means-challenged the Machine Empire remnants under General Venjix. The group succeeded in defeating the general's forces, and Cole later destroyed Serpentera after Venjix succeeded in launching it.
Legacy of Power[]
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were featured in a chronicle of Power Ranger history compiled by Tommy Oliver shortly after he formed the Dino Rangers, which was found by the nascent Ranger team in the Dino Lab. TV STORY-Legacy of Power
Bully for Ethan[]

The old MMPR Team appeared in the photo that Dr. Tommy Oliver had with him as a memento of the past during the time when he returned as the Green Ranger again. Kira found the image in this episode while helping Tommy.
Once A Ranger[]
Adam would lead a team of Retro Rangers-the other members being Bridge Carson, Xander Bly, Kira Ford, and Tori Hanson-who filled in for the Overdrive Rangers after Thrax, son of Rita and Zedd, sabotaged the Morphin Grid. On this occasion, Adam's powers-as well as those of Kira and Tori-were restored to him temporarily by the Sentinel Knight, who also summoned the five of them to help.
Super Megaforce[]

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as seen in Super Megaforce.
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers returned as part of the army of Legendary Rangers that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, fighting in a huge battle against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. TV STORY-Legendary Battle
Super Ninja Steel[]

Rocky and Tommy morphed in Dimensions in Danger
In Dimensions in Danger, Tommy returns to his home in Reefside, just as he was ready to take his son to school, Lord Draven shows up and kidnaps him. It turns out to be a plot by the villain to capture Power Rangers from various dimensions in order to create a robot army that he could use to conquer all the dimensions. Tommy manages to free himself and saves Wes, Gemma, Koda, and the Ninja Steel Rangers from a force of Basherbots. The group of Rangers split up and storm Draven's fortress, managing to free the other captured rangers including Rocky and Kat. Tommy enters into a battle with an evil robot clone of himself where he proceeds to use the Master Morpher and morphs into al his previous Ranger powers including the powers of the White Ranger, and Green Ranger to destroy the clone. Once reuniting with the other Rangers, Rocky and Tommy morph into their original Mighty Morphin powers, excluding Kat who instead of morphing into Mighty Morphin Pink, morphs into the Pink Turbo Ranger. Draven manages to fire off the last Mega Arrow to destroy the dimensional barriers when Tommy summons the Falconzord to fly up and catch the arrow, sending it straight back at Draven while the other Rangers fire at him with their weapons. This finally destroys Lord Draven. Tommy, Rocky, Kat and the other veteran Rangers are seen passing the torch to the Ninja Steel Rangers, then returning both Koda and Gemma to their respective dimensions first before returning to the main dimension. While they were returning home, Tommy and Kat were holding hands, hinting that they are still a couple and J.J.´s parents.
Beast Morphers[]

Jason morphing one more time.
When the Dino Charge Rangers, Ravi, Zoey, Nate and Steel were defeated by Evox's army of villains on the Dino Charge's world, Devon was left trying to find a way to call for help. With an aid of a meteor than crashed into him and Cruise, he entered a Morph-X Tower and used the Morphin Grid to call for help. The meteor became the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin and brought in Jason. Learning of the situation and that one of the monsters was Goldar Maximus, he agreed to aid his junior in the fight. The two met up with the fallen Rangers and after re-

The other four Mighty Morphin Power Rangers come to help.
empowering them, Jason recruited the Dino Charge team to lead a frontal assault while the Beast Morphers team attacked from behind. When Goldar Maximus and the rest of Evox's army arrived, Jason summoned the other four Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Dino Rangers to defeat the army.
The veteran team fight against an army alongside the other Legedary Dino Teams and combining forces, they destroyed Goldar Maximus, their upgraded old rival, once and for all. But when Evox summoned his massive Chimera Zord, somehow the Rangers were able to summon the Megazord to aid in its defeat. With Evox on the run again, the teams departed, with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers returning to their respective lives. TV STORY-Grid Connection
Once & Always[]

The team reunited.
to be added TV STORY-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always
Red Ranger | Jason Lee Scott ►◄ Rocky DeSantos |
Black Ranger | Zack Taylor ►◄ Adam Park |
Blue Ranger | Billy Cranston |
Yellow Ranger | Trini Kwan ►◄ Aisha Campbell ► Minh Kwan |
Pink Ranger | Kimberly Ann Hart ►◄ Katherine Hillard |
Green Ranger | Tommy Oliver ►◄ Tom Oliver |
White Ranger | Tommy Oliver |
Mighty Morphin[]
Jason Lee Scott
Zack Taylor
Billy Cranston
Trini Kwan (deceased)
Kimberly Ann Hart
Tommy Oliver
Tommy Oliver
Rocky DeSantos
Adam Park
Billy Cranston
Aisha Campbell
Tommy Oliver
Rocky DeSantos
Adam Park
Billy Cranston
Aisha Campbell
Season One
Multi-Use Devices[]
- Power Coins
- Power Crystals
Communication Devices[]
Individual Weapons and Team Blaster[]
- Power Blaster/Power Weapons
- Power Sword
- Power Axe
- Power Lance
- Power Daggers
- Power Bow
- Dragon Dagger
Other Weapons[]
Season Two
Multi-Use Devices[]
- Power Coins
- Power Crystals
Communication Devices[]
Individual Weapons and Team Blaster[]
- Power Weapons
- Power Sword
- Power Axe
- Power Lance
- Power Daggers
- Power Bow
- Dragon Dagger
- Saba
Team Cannon[]
Other Weapons[]
- Extinguisher
- Ribbon Weapon
- Mirror Shield
- Sword of Power
- Mega Heater
- Sword of Light
Season Three
Multi-Use Devices[]
Communication Devices[]
- Legend:◆ piloted zord, ➲ carrier zord; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors
Dinozord System[]
- Dino Ultrazord ◆◆◆◆◆◆➲
- Baconodon (comics only) ◆
- Featherdactyl (comics only) ◆
Alternate Combinations[]
Kaiju Zord System[]
- Kaiju Megazord (comics only) ◆◆◆◆◆
- Red Rodan Kaiju Zord (comics only) ◆
- Black King Caesar Kaiju Zord (comics only) ◆
- Blue Anguirus Kaiju Zord (comics only) ◆
- Yellow Baragon Kaiju Zord (comics only) ◆
- Pink Mothra Kaiju Zord (comics only) ◆
- Godzilla Kaiju Zord (comics only) ◆
Thunderzord System[]
- Thunder Ultrazord ◆◆◆◆◆◆➲
- Thunder Megazord / Thunderzord Assault Team ◆◆◆◆◆
- Mastodon Dinozord > Mastodon Lion Thunderzord ◆
- Pterodactyl Dinozord > Pterodactyl Firebird Thunderzord ◆
- Triceratops Dinozord > Triceratops Unicorn Thunderzord ◆
- Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord > Sabertooth Tiger Griffin Thunderzord ◆
- Tyrannosaurus Dinozord > Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon Thunderzord / Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon Thunderzord: Warrior Mode ◆
- White Tigerzord / White Tigerzord: Warrior Mode ◆
- Tor the Shuttlezord ➲
- Thunder Megazord / Thunderzord Assault Team ◆◆◆◆◆
Alternate Combinations[]
Alternate Megazords[]
- Mega Tigerzord ◆◆◆◆◆
Tor the Shuttlezord[]
- Legend:◆ piloted zord, ➲ carrier zord, ◄► shared zord; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors
Ninjazords System[]
- Ninja Ultrazord ◆◆◆◆◆◆➲
Shogunzords System[]
- Shogun Ultrazord ◆◄►◆◆◆◆➲
- Shogun MegaFalconzord ◆◄►◆◆◆◆
- Titanus ➲
Toy Exclusive[]
Behind the Scenes[]
- Jason Lee Scott, the 1st Mighty Morphin Red Ranger is portrayed by Austin St. John.
- Zack Taylor, the 1st Mighty Morphin Black Ranger is portrayed by Walter Jones.
- Billy Cranston, the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger is portrayed by David Yost.
- Trini Kwan, the 1st Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger was portrayed by the late Thuy Trang.
- Kimberly Ann Hart, the 1st Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger is portrayed by Amy Jo Johnson.
- Tommy Oliver, the 1st Mighty Morphin Green Ranger and The Mighty Morphin White Ranger was portrayed by the late Jason David Frank.
- Rocky DeSantos, the 2nd Mighty Morphin Red Ranger is portrayed by Steve Cardenas.
- Adam Park, the 2nd Mighty Morphin Black Ranger is portrayed by Johnny Yong Bosch.
- Aisha Campbell, the 2nd Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger is portrayed by Karan Ashley.
- Tom Oliver, the 2nd Mighty Morphin Green Ranger was portrayed by the late Jason David Frank.
- Katherine Hillard, the 2nd Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger is portrayed by Catherine Sutherland.
- Minh Kwan, the 3rd Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger is portrayed by Charlie Kersh.
to be added
to be added
Legendary Ranger Devices[]
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Ranger Keys: These represent the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
- Red Ranger Key
- Black Ranger Key
- Blue Ranger Key
- Yellow Ranger Key
- Pink Ranger Key
- Green Ranger Key: This key can be used to transform the Q-Rex Drill into the Q-Rex Dinozord.
- White Ranger Key
As part of SDCC 2015, Bandai released an exclusive Dino Charge Mighty Morphin' Charger set with each Dino Charger depicting four pictures. Each Charger featured the Ranger's Ranger form, the MMPR title, the Ranger's Dinozord, and the Ranger's individual weapon.

Super Megaforce Rangers as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Super Megaforce/Mighty Morphin Legendary Ranger Mode
Red Ranger | Troy Burrows | |||
Blue Ranger | Noah Carver | |||
Yellow Ranger | Gia Moran (skirted version) | |||
Black Ranger | Jake Holling | |||
Pink Ranger | Emma Goodall | |||
Orion |
Evil Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
See also: Evil Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
- Creator: Twin Man
Tyrannosaurus | Evil Mighty Morphin Red Ranger |
Mastodon | Evil Mighty Morphin Black Ranger |
Triceratops | Evil Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger |
Sabertooth Tiger | Evil Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger |
Pterodactyl | Evil Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger |

Mutant Rangers
See also: Mutant Rangers
- Creator: Rita Repulsa
Crayfish Tyrannosaurus (Comics Only) |
Commander Crayfish Red Mutant Ranger (Comics Only) |
Mastodon | Black Mutant Ranger |
Triceratops | Blue Mutant Ranger |
Sabertooth Tiger | Yellow Mutant Ranger |
Pterodactyl | Pink Mutant Ranger |
Dragonord | Green Mutant Ranger |

Dark Rangers
See also: Dark Rangers
- Creator: Lord Zedd
Red Dark Ranger | Justin Farai Jukwa (Marvel Comics Only) Putty Rita Repulsa (BOOM! Studios Comics Only) |
Black Dark Ranger | Zane Osamu Tezuka (Marvel Comics Only) Baboo (BOOM! Studios Comics Only) |
Blue Dark Ranger | Bobby Stanford Winner (Marvel Comics Only) Squatt (BOOM! Studios Comics Only) |
Yellow Dark Ranger | Tina Nelida Valensisi (Marvel Comics Only) Goldar (BOOM! Studios Comics Only) |
Pink Dark Ranger | Kristen Marie-Claire le Monde (Marvel Comics Only) Finster (BOOM! Studios Comics Only) |
- These were the first named Rangers and as such are known typically by their color designation only. The Rangers that followed had monikers associated to their team's name or the name of the show.
- According to the "Reality Check" PSA of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Amy Jo Johnson, David Yost, and both their respective characters are accomplished martial artists and gymnasts.
- Six video games based on this team were produced, one for Sega Genesis, one for Sega CD, one for Sega Game Gear, two for Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Fighting Edition), and one for Game Boy.
- Billy, the original Blue Ranger, has the distinction of being the only Ranger to hold the same position for the longest time (3 years, 1993-1996) without ever switching colors, a record yet to be surpassed. He is the only original Power Ranger to appear in every episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and remain there from the start to the end of the MMPR generation.
- While the Rangers are composed of two females, with the rest being male, the original Japanese show and succeeding iterations saw all seven suits be worn by male characters, as the Yellow Ranger was a male character in the original series and the Pink Ranger's powerset was used by a male character in the meta-series' anniversary.
- It's unknown if the Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger in the Legendary Battle & Grid Connection was Aisha or Trini.
- Billy and Zack would appear in Once & Always alongside Rocky, Adam, Aisha and Katherine.
- Tommy and Billy are (So Far) the only two Mighty Morphin Rangers to be mentors to other Power Ranger teams. Tommy mentored the Dino Thunder Rangers and Billy mentored the Cosmic Fury Rangers, along with Solon.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 1)
- Episode 1: Day of the Dumpster
- Episode 2: High Five
- Episode 3: Teamwork
- Episode 4: A Pressing Engagement
- Episode 5: Different Drum
- Episode 6: Food Fight
- Episode 7: Big Sisters
- Episode 8: I, Eye Guy
- Episode 9: For Whom the Bell Trolls
- Episode 10: Happy Birthday, Zack
- Episode 11: No Clowning Around
- Episode 12: Power Ranger Punks
- Episode 13: Peace, Love and Woe
- Episode 14: Foul Play in the Sky
- Episode 15: Dark Warrior
- Episode 16: Switching Places
- Episode 17: Green With Evil Part I: Out Of Control
- Episode 18: Green With Evil Part II: Jason's Battle
- Episode 19: Green With Evil Part III: The Rescue
- Episode 20: Green With Evil Part IV: Eclipsing Megazord
- Episode 21: Green With Evil Part V: Breaking The Spell
- Episode 22: The Trouble with Shellshock
- Episode 23: Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Episode 24: The Spit Flower
- Episode 25: Life's a Masquerade
- Episode 26: Gung Ho!
- Episode 27: Wheel of Misfortune
- Episode 28: Island of Illusion, Part I
- Episode 29: Island of Illusion, Part II
- Episode 30: The Rockstar
- Episode 31: Calamity Kimberly
- Episode 32: A Star Is Born
- Episode 33: The Yolk's on You!
- Episode 34: The Green Candle, Part I
- Episode 35: The Green Candle, Part II
- Episode 36: Birds of a Feather
- Episode 37: Clean-Up Club
- Episode 38: A Bad Reflection on You
- Episode 39: Doomsday Part I
- Episode 40: Doomsday Part II
- Episode 41: Rita's Seed of Evil
- Episode 42: A Pig Surprise
- Episode 43: Something Fishy
- Episode 44: Lions & Blizzards
- Episode 45: Crystal of Nightmares
- Episode 46: To Flea or Not to Flee
- Episode 47: Reign of the Jellyfish
- Episode 48: Plague of the Mantis
- Episode 49: Return of an Old Friend Part I
- Episode 50: Return of an Old Friend Part II
- Episode 51: Grumble Bee
- Episode 52: Two Heads are Better than One
- Episode 53: Fowl Play
- Episode 54: Trick or Treat
- Episode 55: Second Chance
- Episode 56: On Fins and Needles
- Episode 57: Enter… The Lizzinator
- Episode 58: Football Season
- Episode 59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
- Episode 60: An Oyster Stew
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 2)
- Episode 1: The Mutiny, Part I
- Episode 2: The Mutiny, Part II
- Episode 3: The Mutiny, Part III
- Episode 4: The Wanna-Be Ranger
- Episode 5: Putty on the Brain
- Episode 6: Bloom of Doom
- Episode 7: The Green Dream
- Episode 8: The Power Stealer
- Episode 9: The Beetle Invasion
- Episode 10: Welcome to Venus Island
- Episode 11: The Song Of Guitardo
- Episode 12: Green No More, Part I
- Episode 13: Green No More, Part II
- Episode 14: Missing Green
- Episode 15: Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park
- Episode 16: Beauty and the Beast
- Episode 17: White Light, Part I
- Episode 18: White Light, Part II
- Episode 19: Two for One
- Episode 20: Opposites Attract
- Episode 21: Zedd's Monster Mash
- Episode 22: The Ninja Encounter, Part I
- Episode 23: The Ninja Encounter, Part II
- Episode 24: The Ninja Encounter, Part III
- Episode 25: A Monster of Global Proportions
- Episode 26: Zedd Waves
- Episode 27: The Power Transfer, Part I
- Episode 28: The Power Transfer, Part II
- Episode 29: Goldar's Vice-Versa
- Episode 30: Mirror of Regret
- Episode 31: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
- Episode 32: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
- Episode 33: Lights, Camera, Action
- Episode 34: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
- Episode 35: Scavenger Hunt
- Episode 36: The Great Bookala Escape
- Episode 37: Forever Friends
- Episode 38: A Reel Fish Story
- Episode 39: Rangers Back in Time, Part I
- Episode 40: Rangers Back in Time, Part II
- Episode 41: The Wedding, Part I
- Episode 42: The Wedding, Part II
- Episode 43: The Wedding, Part III
- Episode 44: Return of the Green Ranger, Part I
- Episode 45: Return of the Green Ranger, Part II
- Episode 46: Return of the Green Ranger, Part III
- Episode 47: Best Man for the Job
- Episode 48: Storybook Rangers, Part I
- Episode 49: Storybook Rangers, Part II
- Episode 50: Wild West Rangers, Part I
- Episode 51: Wild West Rangers, Part II
- Episode 52: Blue Ranger Gone Bad
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 3)
- Episode 1: A Friend in Need, Part I
- Episode 2: A Friend in Need, Part II
- Episode 3: A Friend in Need, Part III
- Episode 4: Ninja Quest, Part I
- Episode 5: Ninja Quest, Part II
- Episode 6: Ninja Quest, Part III
- Episode 7: Ninja Quest, Part IV
- Episode 8: A Brush with Destiny
- Episode 9: Passing the Lantern
- Episode 10: Wizard for a Day
- Episode 11: Fourth Down and Long
- Episode 12: Stop the Hate Master, Part I
- Episode 13: Stop the Hate Master, Part II
- Episode 14: Final Face-Off
- Episode 15: The Potion Notion
- Episode 16: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger
- Episode 17: A Ranger Catastrophe, Part I
- Episode 18: A Ranger Catastrophe, Part II
- Episode 19: Changing of the Zords, Part I
- Episode 20: Changing of the Zords, Part II
- Episode 21: Changing of the Zords, Part III
- Episode 22: Follow that Cab!
- Episode 23: A Different Shade of Pink, Part I
- Episode 24: A Different Shade of Pink, Part II
- Episode 25: A Different Shade of Pink, Part III
- Episode 26: Rita's Pita
- Episode 27: Another Brick in the Wall
- Episode 28: A Chimp in Charge
- Episode 29: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part I
- Episode 30: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part II
- Episode 31: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part III
- Episode 32: The Sound of Dischordia
- Episode 33: Rangers in Reverse
Power Rangers in Space
- Episode 25: Always a Chance (represented by Adam)
Power Rangers Wild Force
- Episode 34: Forever Red (represented by Jason)
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
- Episode 4: Legacy of Power (archive footage only)
- Episode 18: Bully for Ethan (photo only)
- Episode 27: Fighting Spirit
- Episode 36: A Test of Trust (White Ranger suit in flashback; archive footage only)
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (represented by Adam)
- Episode 20: Once A Ranger (1)
- Episode 21: Once A Ranger (2)
Power Rangers Megaforce
- Episode 1: Mega Mission (dream only)
- Episode 4: Stranger Ranger (dream only)
- Episode 19: The Messenger (vision only)
Power Rangers Super Megaforce
- Episode 20/Finale: Legendary Battle
Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
- Episode 10: Dimensions in Danger (represented by Rocky and Tommy)
Power Rangers Beast Morphers
- Season 2
- Villains Special: Making Bad (archive footage only)
- Episode 13: Grid Connection
- Season 2
Power Rangers Dino Fury
- Season 2
- Episode 2: The Festival (archive footage only)
- Episode 15: Morphin Master (archive footage only)
- Season 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Magazine
- The Prisoners of Zozore!
- The Snowbot Cometh!
- Attack of the Hunkajunk!
- The Power of Drakular
- The Cuckoo Clockster
- Victims of Vegetabully!
Power Rangers (Hamilton Comics)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Fruit of the Loom® Premium
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Saga
Power Rangers (Marvel Comics)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Marvel) Vol. 1 Issue 1
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Marvel) Vol. 1 Issue 2
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Marvel) Vol. 1 Issue 3
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Marvel) Vol. 1 Issue 4
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Marvel) Vol. 1 Issue 5
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Marvel) Vol. 1 Issue 6
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Marvel) Vol. 1 Issue 7
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Ninja Rangers
- Masked Rider (Marvel) Issue 1
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Power Rangers (Papercutz)
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Power Rangers (Boom! Studios)
- Go Go Power Rangers
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 1
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 2
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 3
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 4
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 5
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 6
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 7
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 8
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 9
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 10
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 11
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 12
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 13
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 14
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 15
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 16
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 17
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 18
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 19
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 20
- Go Go Power Rangers: Forever Rangers Issue 1
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 21
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 22
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 23
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 24
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 25
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 26
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 27
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 28
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 29
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 30
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 31
- Go Go Power Rangers Issue 32
- Go Go Power Rangers: Back to School Special
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 0
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 1
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 2
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 3
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 4
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 5
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 6
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 7
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 8
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 9
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 10
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 11
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 12
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 13
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 14
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 15
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 16
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 17
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 18
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 19
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 20
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 21
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 22
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 23
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 24
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 25
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 26
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 27
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 28
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 29
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 30
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid Finale Issue 1
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 31
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 32
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 33
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 34
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 35
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 36
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 37
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 38
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 39
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 40
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 41
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 42
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 43
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 44
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 45
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 46
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 47
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 48
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 49
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 50
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 51
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 53
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 55
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 Annual
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) FCBD 2018 Special
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Anniversary Special Issue 1
- Pet Project
- Golden Ideas
- Sealed
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Justice League/Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin
- Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink
- Go Go Power Rangers
Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon
- 'Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II
Power Rangers Dash[]

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as seen in Power Rangers Dash.
See Also[]
- Zyurangers - Super Sentai counterpart in Zyuranger. See comparison page. (Ranger suits, Arsenals and Dinozords)
- Dairangers - Super Sentai counterpart in Dairanger. See comparison page. (White Ranger costume and Thunderzords)
- Kakurangers - Super Sentai counterpart in Kakuranger. See comparison page. (Ninjazords, Shogunzords, and Ninjor)
- Goggle-V - The first team to have a Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink Ranger.
- Gorengers - The original Super Sentai team and the first Sentai team to have Red, Blue, Yellow and Pink Rangers.
- Biomen - The first Sentai team to have a female Yellow Ranger and first Sentai team to have two females on the same team.
- Battle Fever J - The first Sentai team to have a Black Ranger and the first to have silver mouthpieces and sculpted lips.
- J.A.K.Q. - The first Sentai team to have a White Ranger and also the first Sentai team where Red Ranger wasn't the leader of the team.
- Maskman - The first Sentai team to have a female Yellow Ranger with the Black Ranger on the same team.
- Dynamen - The first Sentai team whose suits are made out of spandex.
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1995 movie team) - An alternate continuity variation.
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2016 comic team) - An alternate team from Boom! Studios that uses the same characters.
- Power Rangers (2017 movie team) - A retooling of this team.
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (The Return) - An alternate universe team from MMPR: The Return.
Tommy Oliver -
Jason Lee Scott -
Billy Cranston -
Katherine Hillard -
Kimberly Ann Hart -
Adam Park -
Rocky DeSantos -
Trini Kwan
All items (22)