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Ep. 1: The Five Sibling Warriors -
Final Ep.: Departure to the Stars -
Ep. 32: Gaku Dies -
Ep. 9: Gingaman Appear -
Ep. 14: The Cute Liar -
Ep. 44: Struggle Robot Battle -
Ep. 21: Vaulting Horse Trio -
Ep. 36: Super Twin Strategy
All items (48)
- Ep. 10: Suck My Blood!
- Ep. 11: Dangerous Treasure Hunting
- Ep. 12: Earther's Super Transformation
- Ep. 13: Do, Re, Mi, Fight
- Ep. 14: The Cute Liar
- Ep. 15: There Are Two Reds!!
- Ep. 16: Hungry Hero
- Ep. 17: Fumiya's Friendship Announcement
- Ep. 18: Saving Money!!
- Ep. 19: Red Fighting Robot
- Ep. 1: The Five Sibling Warriors
- Ep. 20: Burning Sibling Robot
- Ep. 21: Vaulting Horse Trio
- Ep. 22: Shining Handsome Youth
- Ep. 23: The Five-kun Dolls
- Ep. 24: Slow Turtle Ninja
- Ep. 25: Friendship's Sakurajima
- Ep. 26: It's Kyushu, Huh
- Ep. 27: If You Sleep, You Die
- Ep. 28: Chorus of Hell
- Ep. 29: Fusion vs. Combination
- Ep. 2: Father's Payback! Mother's Payback
- Ep. 30: Black Gorlin
- Ep. 31: Dangerous Mother
- Ep. 32: Gaku Dies
- Ep. 33: Deadly Flip-turn
- Ep. 34: Can-Packed Humans
- Ep. 35: Gaku's Secret!!
- Ep. 36: Super Twin Strategy
- Ep. 37: Human Cannon
- Ep. 38: Fake Sibling Teachers
- Ep. 39: Please Love Me
- Ep. 3: Challenge! The Galactic Tiger
- Ep. 40: Boy Majin Sword
- Ep. 41: Scary Date
- Ep. 42: Kung Fu Spirit
- Ep. 43: TV Love
- Ep. 44: Struggle Robot Battle
- Ep. 45: Rushing into the Enemy Base
- Ep. 46: The Whereabouts of Our Parents
- Ep. 47: The Super Beast's Big Shedding
- Ep. 4: Get the Earth Drunk
- Ep. 5: Orphaned Galaxy Egg
- Ep. 6: I Hate Hard Workers
- Ep. 7: The 45m Grade-Schooler
- Ep. 8: Shine! A Seed of Life
- Ep. 9: Gingaman Appear