Icon-dekaranger This article is about a/an set of weapons and devices in Power Rangers S.P.D.

This page lists all the weapons, devices, and vehicles used by the S.P.D. Rangers. Below is the inventory, which also reflects on the S.P.D. series page as well as the team page of the S.P.D. Rangers.


Delta Morphers

Main article: Delta Morphers
Blue Glass Arrow See also: SP License

Delta Morpher.

The Delta Morphers of B-Squad, activated by a call of "S.P.D. Emergency!". This device contains 5 functions, separated by 3 different tabs:

  • Morph: The "Change" option on the Delta Morphers transforms the cadets into their ranger costumes.
  • S.W.A.T. Mode: When the Rangers activate the "Change" option while morphed and call for it, their S.W.A.T. armor appears.
  • Communicator: The "Phone" option serves as basic communication allowing the Rangers to contact each other or the Academy, as well as summon the Delta Runners. With the Omega Ranger in the timeline, they can contact him too.
  • Judgment Scanner: The "Judge" option assesses the guilt or innocence of anyone the Rangers bring into custody. It measures pulse rate and electrical impulses before rendering a verdict, and it never makes mistakes.
  • Containment/Confinement Mode: If a criminal is charged Guilty, this subsection of "Judge" will blast them with Anti-Matter Fusion, sealing them in a Containment Card and making transportation of the detainee a non-issue. This mode will not activate if the final verdict of the criminal is innocent.

Patrol Morpher

Main article: Patrol Morpher
Blue Glass Arrow See also: Master License

Patrol Morpher.

The Patrol Morpher is the Shadow Ranger's morpher allowed him to become the Shadow Ranger. The Patrol Morpher looks exactly the same as the Delta Morphers and has the same functions, but is colored black. It, however, does not seem to enable Commander Cruger access to S.W.A.T. Mode.

Omega Morpher

Main article: Omega Morpher
Blue Glass Arrow See also: BraceThrottle

Omega Morpher.

The Omega Morpher is the Omega Ranger's morpher. The morpher was also capable of using attack modes.

  • Electro Mode: Fires a lightning attack to the ground and it is Omega Morpher's main attack.
  • Blast Mode: Fires an energy attack to the ground.
  • Power Mode: Similar to Muscle Mode, Power Mode increases the Omega Ranger's strength.
  • Muscle Mode: Enhances the Omega Ranger's physical strength.
  • Hyper Mode: Allows the Omega Ranger to slow down time.
  • Light Beam Mode: Fires an highly-concentrated energy ball at the opponent.
  • Charged-Up Mode: Enhances the Omega Ranger's stats.
  • Judgment Scanner: Allows the Omega Ranger to perform Judgement and use Containment Mode to detain alien suspects.

Magna Morpher

Main article: Magna Morpher

Magna Morpher

The Magna Morpher was designed by Kat Manx. The morpher is based off of the design and technology of the Omega Morpher: It is used by The Red Ranger, to summon the SPD Battlizer.

Kat Morpher

Main article: Kat Morpher
Blue Glass Arrow See also: Swan License
Blue Glass Arrow See also: MariGold License

Kat Morpher.

The Kat Morpher is the S.P.D. Kat Ranger's morpher. Kat Manx only used it once; it had a time limit of 1 hour.


Nova Morpher

Main article: Nova Morpher
Blue Glass Arrow See also: BraceThrottle

Nova Morpher

The Nova Morpher is the S.P.D Nova Ranger's morpher and it has the same futuristic technology and throttle as the Omega Morpher. Like the Omega Morpher, Nova Ranger's morpher acted as her only weapon in combat and had an Electro Mode. However, unlike the Omega Morpher, the Nova Morpher appeared to have better time traveling capabilities (and presumably the power to restore the Omega Ranger to human form).



Main article: R.I.C.
Blue Glass Arrow See also: K-9 Murphy
Murphy K9


R.I.C. 2.0 (Robotic Interactive Canine) is a robotic dog with multiple special features. R.I.C. was scheduled for retirement before being severely damaged while on a mission with Sydney. In an effort to prevent R.I.C. from being discarded, Sydney turns to Bridge for help. With assistance from Boom, Bridge re-invents R.I.C., dubbing him "R.I.C. 2.0". In his upgraded form, R.I.C is able to transform into a weapon for the Rangers called the Canine Cannon when the bone-shaped key is placed in his mouth. R.I.C. was later upgraded to be used in the Red Ranger's Battlizer system, forming the Sonic Mode armor.

Canine Cannon

K-9 Cannon

Canine Cannon

The Canine Cannon is R.I.C.'s cannon form that fires a powerful energy blast to take down criminals and imprison them in the containment cards instantly.

Deltamax Strikers

Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Knuckles
Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Rods
Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Sticks
Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Sniper
Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Blaster
Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Shots

The Deltamax Strikers are highly versatile weapons that can be used for both short and long range attacks. This common weapon resides at the side and inside its holster when in laser mode. Each ranger (except Red) have the same Deltamax Knuckle, while their "blades" vary in size.

The Red Ranger is equipped with a variation of a Deltamax Striker while in his Battlizer, Cyber Mode.

Delta Blasters

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Hybrid Magnum

Delta Blasters

The Delta Blasters are twin sidearms specific for the Red Ranger. They can be used to fire intense laser blasts.

Once combined, they form the Delta Blaster Combo Mode, which resembles the Delta Runner 1. The Red Ranger can fire a highly concentrated blast, enough to defeat the enemy.

Shadow Saber

Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Sword Vega

Shadow Saber

Shadow Saber is the personal sword of the Shadow Ranger. With it, Shadow Ranger can perform the Containment Strike: Shadow Ranger charges at an enemy and slashes them into a Containment Card. Icthior has a similar weapon, called the Ocean Saber.

S.P.D. Battlizer

The S.P.D. Battlizer is used by Jack Landors (S.P.D. B-Squad Red Ranger), and once by Sky Tate. In Reflection, Kat Manx completed the Battlizer technology in R.I.C.'s system. The Battlizer has two modes, a regular one, and the one using R.I.C. that also is used for the finishing move. Jack originally tested it out in Part One and succeeded by destroying Slate's clones and imprison Slate. In Part Two, Jack let Sky use it to avenge his father by defeating Mirloc.

S.W.A.T. Mode


B-Squad donning their S.W.A.T. Mode

S.W.A.T. Mode (Special Weapons And Tactics Mode) was created by Dr. Manx for the B-Squad Rangers to give them extra power only if the team can work together. It was first used in S.W.A.T. Part 2 to battle Stench and Thresher, who stole S.P.D.'s top-secret technology.

S.W.A.T. Mode includes vests, body and leg armor, sensors and communication headsets. S.W.A.T. has many other valuable functions, including night and thermal visions. The Rangers summon this gear via their morphers ("S.P.D., S.W.A.T. Mode!" is the call). They are also equipped with Delta Enforcers. This mode is based from the S.W.A.T. team in actual law enforcement agencies. S.W.A.T. Mode seems to be equivalent of the A-Squad's standard gear.

Delta Enforcers

Blue Glass Arrow See also: D-Revolvers

Delta Enforcer

The Delta Enforcer is the standard weapon of the Power Rangers when they are in S.W.A.T. Mode.

Each Enforcer comes with three cards, each with a different purpose. To activate them, the Ranger must pull open the hatch on top of the blaster, which reveals a card holder. Then, they must pull the card out and slide it on the side of the blaster for full effect.

Vehicles and other Miscellany

Delta Cruiser

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Machine Bull

Delta Cruiser

The Delta Cruiser is the standard patrol vehicle of the B-Squad Rangers.

Delta Patrol Cycles

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Machine Husky

Delta Patrol Cycles

The Delta Patrol Cycles are the Red, Blue and Green Rangers' personal vehicles. Created by Kat, these vehicles are very fast and have lasers at their disposal. The Red and Green Patrol Cycles are sleek and powerful, while the Blue Ranger's Patrol Cycle is a slightly bulky older model.

Delta ATV


Delta ATV

The Delta ATV is the Shadow Ranger's personal vehicle. It is equipped with powerful blasters. The ATV was created by Kat when Cruger was relieved of his status as Commander.

Uniforce Cycle

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Machine Boxer

The Uniforce Cycle is the Omega Ranger's personal vehicle. He uses it to patrol the streets near Space Patrol Delta and return to the base.

S.W.A.T. Truck


S.W.A.T. Truck

The S.W.A.T. Truck is an armored truck used by the Power Rangers. It can be driven from the front or the top. During the final battle with the Troobian Empire, Sergeant Silverback arrives with another one.




Team Blaster and Power-Ups


See Also

All items (2)
