Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a set of weapons and devices in Power Rangers Dino Super Charge.

This page lists all the weapons, devices, and vehicles used by the Dino Charge Rangers. Below is the inventory, which also reflects on the Dino Super Charge series page as well as the team page of the Dino Charge Rangers.


Dino Charge Morphers[]

Main article: Dino Charge Morpher

The Dino Charge Morphers are the Ranger's Morphers and primary sidearms, drawing their power from the Dino Chargers.

Legend Ranger Devices[]

Gold Ptera Morpher[]

Main article: Gold Ptera Morpher
Blue Glass Arrow See also: Gabrichanger

Gold Ptera Morpher

The Gold Ptera Morpher is the Gold Ranger's Morpher.

T-Rex Super Charge Zord[]

Main article: T-Rex Super Charge Zord

The T-Rex Super Charge Zord is a miniaturized but hyper-powered form of the T-Rex Zord. It allows Tyler to take the form of the the T-Rex Super Charge Red Ranger.

T-Rex Super Charge Morph Blaster[]


T-Rex Super Charge Morph Blaster

The T-Rex Super Charge Morph Blaster is the combined form of the T-Rex Super Charge Morpher and a Dino Charge Morpher. When clicking the lower jaw shut, it can perform the Final Strike which sends a powerful T-Rex Mouth towards the enemy which destroys him.

Titano Charge Morpher[]

Main article: Titano Charge Morpher
ZSK-Transformation Gun Giga Gaburevolver

The Titano Charge Morpher is the Dino Charge Silver Ranger's variant of the Dino Charge Morpher and his primary sidearm, also drawing his power from the Dino Chargers.

Dino Saber[]

ZSK-Electro-Beast Blade Gaburicalibur

Dino Saber

The Dino Saber is the Rangers' primary melee weapon. A Dino Charger may be inserted to unlock a full-powered slash. This weapon can also fold and combine with the Morpher for powerful laser blasts as the Dino Blade Blaster. This is also used by Nate against Evox in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

Legend Ranger Devices[]

Dino Blade Blaster[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Gaburu Cannon

The Dino Blade Blaster is the combined weapon form of the Dino Charge Morpher and Dino Saber.

Normally, it can fire a volley of shots rapidly like a machine gun, but once the pump is pulled back, it utilizes the Rapid Blast. If done once more, which makes it to utilize the Power Blast, it fires a small cannon ball-like blast.

The Dino Charge Purple Ranger is shown to be able to extend the blade from the Dino Saber when in Dino Blade Blaster formation for short range attacks to create the Power Blade.

Cockpit Control Sword[]

Dino Super Drive Saber[]

PRDSC-Dino Super Drive Saber

Dino Super Drive Saber

The Dino Super Drive Saber is a special weapon that allows one of the Rangers to activate and morph themselves and the other Rangers in Dino Super Drive Mode so the Rangers can use this new mode in the Megazord cockpits. To use this form, the Super Drive Charger must be inserted into the Dino Charger slot just below the weapon's handle, which will transform every currently available ranger into Dino Super Drive. The weapon also allows the insertion of five other Dino Chargers into the spinning weapon bay that enable the weapon's final attack (or the Megazord's finisher).

Multiple Rangers can simultaneously summon a copy of this weapon only if they are occupying different Megazords. However, this is optional.

Multi-Use Devices[]


Main article: Energems

The ten Energems

The Energems are the source of the Ranger's powers. Their energies are harnessed via the Dino Chargers.

Dino Chargers[]

ZSK-Zyudenchi 1+

T-Rex Super Charger

Main article: Dino Chargers
Blue Glass Arrow See also: Zyudenchi

The Dino Chargers are collectible, battery-like devices utilized by the Dino Charge Rangers. They are used to power the Rangers' weapons and Dino Charge Zords.

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]

Dino Spike[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Kentrospiker
ZSK-Kentro Spiker

Dino Spike

The Dino Spike is the combination of all the core Dino Charge Rangers' personal weapons with the use of the Dino Spike Charger. It resembles a giant javelin and is used to perform the team's finisher.

T-Rex Chopper[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Fang Shot
ZSK-Fang Shot

T-Rex Chopper

The T-Rex Chopper is a combination of Red Ranger's T-Rex Smasher and Black Ranger's Para Chopper.

T-Rex Smasher[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Gabutyra Fang
ZSK-Gabutyra Fang

T-Rex Smasher

The T-Rex Smasher is the Red Ranger's weapon.

Para Chopper[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Parasa Shot
ZSK-Parasa Shot

Para Chopper

The Para Chopper is the Black Ranger's weapon.

Triple Spike[]

ZSK-Shield Lan Slasher

Triple Spike

The Triple Spike is the combination of the Stego Shield, Raptor Claw, and Tricera Drill.

Stego Shield[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Stego Shield
ZSK-Stego Shield

Stego Shield

The Stego Shield is the Blue Ranger's weapon.

Raptor Claw[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Zakutor Slasher
ZSK-Zakutor Slasher

Raptor Claw

The Raptor Claw is the Green Ranger's weapon.

Tricera Drill[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: DriceLance

Tricera Drill

The Tricera Drill is the Pink Ranger's weapon.

Gold Ptera Saber[]


Ptera Saber

The Ptera Saber is the Gold Ranger's personal weapon. He summons it by saying "Summon Ptera Saber". It can hold up to three Dino Chargers. Once all three Dino Chargers are loaded, Ivan closes it, and then pumps it so he can activate the Lightning Final Strike. Ivan can also use it in the Megazord as a rifle.

Royal Dino Punch[]

Gekiretsu Toppa

Graphite Ranger doing the Royal Dino Punch.

The Royal Dino Punch is the Graphite Ranger's special fighting move, which seems to be the enhanced version of his boxing skills, summoning a spiked mace (resembling the Pachyzord's tail) on a chain. The Red Ranger (and perhaps others) can also use this technique with the Pachy Charger.

Silver Strike[]


Silver Strike

The Silver Strike is Doomwing's signature move in which he unleashes a devastatingly powerful punch at his opponents.

Dino Armor X[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Deinosgrander
PRDSC Dino Armor X Red Ranger

Dino Armor X Red Ranger

PRDC Dino Armor X Black Ranger

Dino Armor X Black Ranger

The Dino Armor X is used when the Dino Armor X Charger is inserted in the Morpher, giving the user enhanced drilling powers. The Blue and Green Rangers try using it after it malfunctions on the Black Ranger, but it proves incompatible with Blue and Green energy. Dino Armor X is primarily used by the Black Ranger, though it was modified so that the Red Ranger could use it.

Titano Saber[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Feather Edge
Still featheredge

Titano Saber

The Titano Saber is the personal saber weapon of Zenowing. He can use it to perform the Silver Prism Slash, where he hits the target with three silver energy slashes in a triangle formation and then the Final Strike where he pierces through the target. Riley's version of this finisher is called the Green Prism Slash, where he uses green energy slashes. It is also shown to have the ability to heal others.

Dino Power Ultra Blaster[]

ZSK-Ultra Howling Cannon

Dino Power Ultra Blaster

The Dino Power Ultra Blaster was formed through the combination of the Dino Charge Rangers' Dino Spike and Gold Ptera Saber, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Power Blaster and the Dino Thunder Rangers' Z-Rex Blaster, by laying each formation on top of one another. Seen during the events of "Grid Connection".

Spino Boomerang[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Flute Buster
ZSK-Flute Buster

Spino Boomerang

The Spino Boomerang is the Dark Ranger’s personal weapon and Morpher. Seen during the events of "Operation Seasoning".

Communication Devices[]

Dino Com[]

The Dino Com is a belt buckle that serves as a utility device for the Dino Charge Rangers. It can hold up to 3 Dino Chargers and, as its name implies, act as a communicator.


Dino Cycle[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: DeinoChaser
Dino Cycles are combined from two smaller unicycle-like vehicles who use one Dino Charger together. It is unknown how many sets there are, as the entire team has never been seen riding them at once.

Dino Cycle

Behind the Scenes[]

Campbell Cooley, who has voiced several different Power Ranger villains, provides the voice for the Dino Charge Rangers' equipment announcements.



Cockpit Control Sword[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]

Communication Devices[]

  • Dino Com


See Also[]

All items (10)
