Icon-ohranger This article is about a villain in Chouriki Sentai Ohranger.

Acha and Kocha are servants of whoever rules over the Machine Empire Baranoia.

Butler Acha

Butler Acha (執事アチャ Shitsuji Acha): Baranoia's Imperial Family Butler who follows whoever is in command at the time. He read the War Declaration to Earth in Episode 2. Took care of young Buldont when in the field, even serving as the producer of his movie. When Bomber the Great took over, he simply forgot about Empress Hysteria and served him. When Buldont returned, the same happened, Acha couldn't care less about Bomber. At the end of the series, he turned good and went with Kocha, Buldont and Multiwas' son, and Gunmajin back to Gunmajin's planet. His motif is the one of a lightbulb.

Butler Acha Human

Acha's Human form

Butler Kocha

Butler Kocha (執事コチャ Shitsuji Kocha): A miniature robot who served the family along Acha. She was always on her bigger male counterpart's shoulder like a pirate captain's parrot. In episode 8, an enlarging beam for the Machine Beasts was installed in her. In the series finale, she was taken by Gunmajin back to Gunmajin's home planet. Her motif is the one of a weighing scale.


concept art


concept art


See Also

Icon-ohranger Chouriki Sentai Ohranger
Goro Hoshino - Shouhei Yokkaichi - Yuji Mita - Juri Nijou - Momo Maruo - Riki
Power Brace (King Brace) - King Blasters - Battle Sticks - King Smasher - King Stick - Olé Bazooka - Big Bang Buster - Giant Roller - Thunderwings - Jetter Machines
U.A.O.H.: Naoyuki Miura
Bara Revenger - Dorin - Gunmazin - Kakurangers - Carrangers - Gokaigers
Mecha and Robos
SkyPhoenix - GranTaurus - DashLeon - DoguRander - MoaLoader - King Pyramider - Red Blocker - Green Blocker - Blue Blocker - Yellow Blocker - Pink Blocker
Ohranger Robo - Buster Ohranger Robo - OhBlocker - King Pyramider Battle Formation - Tackle Boy - Red Puncher
Machine Empire Baranoia
Emperor Bacchus Wrath - Empress Hysteria - Prince Buldont/Kaiser Buldont - Princess Multiwa
Butlers Acha & Kocha - Seiichi Kuroda - Machine Beast Tamer Keris/Bara Keris - Bomber the Great - Barlo Soldiers
Machine Beasts
Bara Drill - Bara Saucer - Bara Vanish - Bara Crusher - Bara Cactus 1 & 2 - Bara Brain - Bara Separate - Bara Missiler - Camera Trick - Steam Punk (Locker Knight - Cat Signal - Kabochumpkin - Faucetchuck) - Bara Darts - Bara Hacker - Bara Printer - Bara Baby - Bara Magma - Bara Pinokiller - Bara Devil - Bara Vacuum - Bara Ivy - Bara Builder - Bara Boxer - Bara Kendama - Bara Madillo - Bara Clothes - Bara Excellency - Bara Hungry - Bara Goblin - Bara King - Bara Tarantula - Bara Gūsuka - Bara Faucet - Bara Nightmare - Bara Gear - Bara Mammoth - Bara Skunk - Bara Police - Bara Gold - Bara Hunter - Bara Fraud - Bara Guard - Bara Micron - Bara Mobile