Icon-ninningerThis article is about a/an Ranger in Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel.

"Power of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Red!"
―Ninja Steel Red's roll call.[src]

"Whoa! Epic!"
―Brody's catchphrase when something impressive happens.[src]

"Don't give it to him, dad."
―Brody telling his dad not to give Galvanax the Nexus Star.[src]

"Your plan to replace my brother with a robot failed. And now, it's time to destroy you for good!"
―Brody's most famous line when confronting giant Ripcon.[src]

"Show's over. Ninjas win!"
―Brody after achieving victory.[src]

"Out of the fire and into the fight! Lion Fire Red!"
―Lion Fire Red's roll call.[src]

"Whoa, what happened? I'm as big as a Megazord! I'm like a...Mega Ranger!"
―Brody after accidentally enlarging himself with Cleocatra's time controller.[src]

Brody Romero is the second and current Ninja Steel Red, the Red Ranger and leader of the Ninja Rangers.



10 years prior to the series, Brody was captured by Galvanax. His father, a ninja master, mysteriously vanished. After which, Brody was forced to work as a slave for the Galaxy Warriors. During this time, he bonded with Redbot, and a shape-shifting alien named Mick, while gaining an enemy in Ripcon.

Ninja Steel[]



Brody discovers Levi is his brother

In the present, after overhearing Galvanax's plan to get the Ninja Steel back on Earth, he, Redbot, and Mick take the opportunity to escape with the Ninja Nexus Prism. After being forced to use the ship's trash chute as an escape, he and Redbot became separated from Mick. Upon landing, he was attacked by Korvaka, but was saved by the unexpected arrival of Sarah and Preston. The three of them then pulled out three of the Ninja Power Stars, turning them into Power Rangers, with Brody becoming the Red Ranger. The three of them then defeated Korvaka. After trying to hide the Ninja Nexus Prism, it suddenly flew off with three Power Stars still in it, as Brody pointed out. Tvicon TV STORY-Return of the Prism

Dino Fury[]

When the Rafkonian Ranger Zayto from the Dino Fury Rangers read the Ninja Nexus Prism's mind he saw visions of multiples Rangers from the past, including one of Brody getting his Red Ninja Power Star. Tvicon TV STORY-Unexpected Guest

Cosmic Fury[]

Galaxy, Dino, Astro, Beast-X and Ninja Blaze Megazords appear

The Ninja Steel Rangers (in their Megazord), for helping the Cosmic Fury Rangers.

The Cosmic Fury Rangers then receive a message from Billy Cranston, having received Solon's distress call before a rift opens up, revealing the Dino Megazord, Astro Megazord, Galaxy Megazord, Ninja Blaze Megazord, and Beast-X Megazord, who start to take on the Squidrills. Tvicon TV STORY-The End


Brody is an exuberant, youthful, positive 18-year-old. Used to being on his own, he can be headstrong and a little impulsive, but with the help of his new friends, soon settles into his role as leader of the Ninja Steel Power Rangers. When he sees something new and cooler, Brody often has a habit of saying "epic," which is similar to Tyler Navarro of Dino Charge fame. Another similar trait that he has to a former ranger, this time Troy Burrows, the Red Ranger in Megaforce, they both have martial arts backgrounds, in Brody's case Ninjustu and he comes off as being very calm and collected at times. There are moments in which Brody does not display a lot of emotion unless provoked by an enemy. Brody also has a terrible habit of being too honest, as he isn't very good at lying.



Ninja Steel Red

Powers and Abilities[]


Brody is a skilled martial arts, as he trained in many different martial arts. He is also very acrobatic as he can do flips easily.

  • Red Ninja Strike Steel Slash Final Attack: Brody's signature finisher where he waves around his sword to empower himself before spinning his Ninja Power Star which energizes him with red energy. He then rushes at the enemy, zipping around and repeatedly energy slashing the monster with his Ninja Star Blade before jumping miles into the sky. He then descends at high speed before landing, unleashing a devastating slash down the enemy's middle to finish them off.
  • Ninja Fusion Fury Final Attack: Brody spins the Ninja Fusion Star whilst wielding two Ninja Star Blades, energizing them with red and blue energy before generating five energy Star Blades to form an energy shield that can block incoming attacks. After doing so, he flings the blades at the enemy to encase them in the force field to restrain them before running up and slashing them repeatedly whilst collecting the restraining blades. Finally, raising the two original Star Blades over his head, he has all of the energy blades shoot into it to perform a devastating slash right down the monster's middle. This was only used once in the episode "Family Fusion" against Ripcon but he survived and escaped.


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Appearances: NS Episodes 1-22; SNS Episodes 1-22


Ninja Master Mode

When combined into the Megazord, the Rangers need to access Ninja Master Mode in order to operate it. Using the Ninja Master Mode Star, the Red Ranger can access the Ninja Master Blade to perform attacks with the Ninja Steel Megazord. Without it, the Megazord is without energy.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Robo Red Zord

Appearances: NS Episodes 3-14, 16-18, 21


Super Ninja Master Mode

When combined into the Megazord, the Rangers need to access Ninja Super Steel Mode, an upgrade version of Ninja Master Mode, in order to operate it. Using the Super Ninja Master Star, the Red Ranger can access the Ninja Master Blade or the Ninja Super Steel Blaster to perform attacks with the Ninja Steel Megazord. Without it, the Megazord is without energy.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: SNS Episodes 3-5, 9, 11-18, 21


Lion Fire Red

Lion Fire Red is the Ranger's power-up form accessed through the Lion Fire Power Star and Lion Fire Morpher, allowing him to fight with the power of the Lion Fire Zord.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Lion Fire Sprint: A move which allows Brody to rush at the enemy with incredible speed.
  • Lion Fire Rapid Blast: Brody spins his Lion Fire Power Star repeatedly to blast the enemy with a devastating series of fireballs.
  • Lion Fire Punch: Brody energizes his right fist with fire to unleash a devastating punch hard enough to send Lord Drillion flying into a quarry wall.
  • Red Ranger Solo Strike: Brody ejects from the Ninja Ultrazord and strikes at his giant enemy to cut off their weapons. It was only used in the episode "Helping Hand" to destroy Forcefear's cannons.
  • Lion Fire Flame Strike Final Attack: Brody attaches the Lion Fire Armor Star to his Star Blade and spins it to engulf his Ninja Star Blade in fire, making it grow and triple in length. He then swings it around the place before raising it high into the air and bringing it downwards, ripping through the middle of the monster. Other variations of this attack exist.
    • Horizontal Lion Fire Flame Strike: An unnamed variant exists where Calvin and Sarah perform the Steel Slash at the same time. In this variant, rather than bringing down the flaming blade, Brody slices directly through the monster's chest horizontally after Sarah and Calvin's Steel Slash.
    • Lion Fire Whiplash Strike: A combination of the Lion Fire Flame Strike and the Ninja Blaster Whiplash attack. Brody engulfs his Ninja Star Blade in fire and raise it into the air whilst Calvin charges up and fires his Ninja Blaster up into the air. They then bring down the energy blade and tongue, ripping through the middle of the monster. This was only performed to destroy Wolvermean. Tvicon TV STORY-Attack of the Galactic Ninjas
    • Lion Fire Heatwave: Brody powers up his Ninja Star Blade with fire as Sarah and Calvin perform their Steel Slash finisher. The latter two would charge forth as Brody begins lowering his energy blade, slashing through the monster as he cleaves through them with a flaming blade, ripping through the middle of the monster. This was only performed to destroy Snow Fright. Tvicon TV STORY-The Poisy Show


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Appearances: NS Episode 15, 19, 22; SNS Episodes 1, 2, 6-8, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22

Heavy assault red

Heavy Assault Red

Heavy Assault Red is Red Ranger's toy-exclusive Battlizer Mode armed with Super armor, this form is exclusive in Power Rangers Ninja Steel toyline.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Ninja Power Star launcher


  • Stegosaurus Zord

ZSK-Debo Kantokku


  • Height: 205 cm
  • Weight: 180 kg

Brody switched bodies with Ackshun of the Gruesome Grunts in an attempt to trick the Halloween Intergalactic Court into putting him on trial in his place.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to SNS Episode 25.







Villain Groups[]

Galaxy Warriors[]
Sledge's Crew[]


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Behind the Scenes[]



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Brody's name means 'Muddy place' or 'ditch' in Irish while Romero, a surname that originated as a nickname to travelers from the west of the Roman Empire.

Legendary Ranger Devices[]

Ninja Steel Red Power Star (V2)

Ninja Steel Red Ranger Ninja Power Star (Yellow Chip variant)

The Ninja Steel Red Ranger Power Star is a yellow chip variant, marked with the kanji for "red" (赤 Aka). This Ninja Power Star is exclusive in the toyline.

Ninja Master Red Ninja Power Star

Ninja Master Red Ranger Ninja Power Star

Allows the Ninja Master Red Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "red" (赤 Aka). This Ninja Power Star is exclusive in the toyline.

Lion Fire Red Ninja Power Star

Lion Fire Red Ranger Ninja Power Star

Allows the Lion Fire Red Ranger to transform, marked with the kanji for "red" (赤 Aka). This Ninja Power Star is exclusive in the toyline.


  • Brody is the only Neo-Saban Red whose sibling (his brother, Levi) is a Sixth Ranger, in this case, is a Gold Ranger, while Brody himself is a Core member of the Ranger team.


Power Rangers Dash[]

Red Ninja Steel Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

Red Ninja Steel Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

Brody along with the Ninja Steel Rangers are among all the Ranger teams which appear in the Korean-developed mobile game Power Rangers Dash.

Super Brawl World[]

Superr Brawl World Ninja Steel Red Ranger

Red Ninja Steel Ranger in Super Brawl World.

Brody as Red Ninja Steel Ranger appears in the crossover video-game Super Brawl World, alongside various other Nickelodeon characters, he and Sarah are the only representatives of the Ninja Rangers.

Ultimate Hero Clash 2[]

Brody along with the Ninja Steel Rangers are played characters in the game Ultimate Hero Clash 2. He is armed with his Ninja Star Blade is also seen in his Ninja Master Mode, using his special attacks in the video game.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Icon-ninninger
Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Dane Romero - Mick Kanic
Ninja Battle Morpher - Gold Ninja Battle Morpher - Ninja Power Stars - Ninja Star Blade - Ninja Blaster - Rockstorm Guitar - Ninja Master Blade - Mega Morph Cycle - Burger Camera - Master Morpher
Redbot - Victor Vincent - Monty - Principal Hastings - Mary Masters - Jackie Thompson - Aaron Foster - Marcus Tien - Princess Viera - Sheriff Skyfire - Mrs. Finch - Mrs. Bell - Mr. Lunt
Legendary Rangers: TommyOliver - Rocky DeSantos - Katherine Hillard - T.J. Johnson - Wesley Collins - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Gemma- Antonio Garcia - Gia Moran - Koda
Zords and Megazords
Robo Red Zord - Dragon Zord - Nitro Zord - Kodiak Zord - Zoom Zord - Rumble Tusk Zord - Astro Zord - Robo Rider Zord - Ninja Bull Zord - Lion Fire Zord - Sub Surfer Zord - Falcon Zord - Serpent Zord - Tortoise Zord - Tiger Zord - Panda Zord - Piranha Zord
Ninja Steel Megazord - Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord - Astro Ninja Steel Megazord - Bull Rider Megazord - Ninja Fusion Zord - Lion Fire Megazord - Ninja Ultrazord - Sub Surfer Ninja Steel Megazord - Ninja Blaze Megazord - Ninja Blaze Ultrazord
Gorilla Blast Zord - Stegosaurus Zord - Sabertooth Zord
Villains (Season 1)
Galvanax - Madame Odius - Ripcon - Cosmo Royale - Aiden Romero (robot) - Kudabots - Skullgators - Basherbots - Buzzcams
Villains (Season 2)
Galaxy Warriors: Madame Odius - Badonna - Cosmo Royale - General Tynamon - Brax - Kudabots - Basherbots - Upgraded Basherbots - Skullgators - Buzzcams - Foxbots
Sledge's Crew: Sledge - Poisandra - Wrench
Others: Lord Draven - Tommy Oliver (Robo Ranger)
Galaxy Warrior Contestants
Galvanax's Contestants
Korvaka - Ripperat - Spinferno - Slogre - Tangleweb - Badpipes - Hacktrack - Stonedozer - Trapsaw - Toxitea - Shoespike - Lord Drillion - Phonepanzee - Cat O'Clock - Abrakadanger - Forcefear
Madame Odius' Contestants
Smellephant - Deceptron - Spyclops - Doomwave - Game Goblin - Galactic Ninjas (Wolvermean - Speedwing - Rygore - Venoma) - Foxatron - Dreadwolf - Blammo - Typeface - Voltipede - Megamauler - Gorrox
Minor Contestants
Lavagor - Ripcon's mother - Lavagor's brother - Unidentified Contestant - Elderly Woman
Gruesome Grunts
Versix - Fangore - Jabberon - Stabberous - Shelldax - Plasmora - Ackshun
Minor Monsters
Cleocatra - Ghost Monster - Kuliner Monster - Snow Fright
Red Rangers
Jason Lee ScottRocky DeSantosAuricoTommy OliverT.J. JohnsonAndrosLeo CorbettCarter GraysonAlexWesley CollinsCole EvansShane ClarkeConner McKnightJack LandorsSchuyler TateBridge CarsonNick RussellMack HartfordCasey RhodesScott TrumanJayden ShibaLauren ShibaTroy BurrowsTyler NavarroBrody RomeroDevon DanielsZaytoAmelia Jones
Rocky DeSantos (movie)BrittJason Scott (2017 movie)Marvin ShihGrace SterlingMiguel Diaz
Secondary Rangers
Eric MyersHunter BradleyLeanbow
Twin ManJustinRockoFarai JukwaRobo T.J.CrashPsycho RedRed Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force RedLion Shadow RangerEvil ShaneEvil HunterCharlieOfficer TateEvil Red Mystic RangerEvil Red Overdrive RangerMr. ShibaThe Grand ShogunDane RomeroMick KanicRobo Red RangerBlaze
Power Sets
Red RangerRed Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger V RedRed Turbo RangerRed Space RangerGalaxy RedRed Lightspeed RangerTime Force RedQuantum RangerRed Wild Force RangerRed Wind RangerCrimson Thunder RangerRed Dino RangerS.P.D. Red RangerRed Mystic RangerWolf WarriorRed Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Red RangerRanger Operator Series RedRed Samurai RangerMegaforce RedSuper Megaforce RedDino Charge Red RangerNinja Steel RedGrid Battleforce Red RangerDino Fury Red RangerCosmic Fury Red Ranger
Red Ranger (1995 movie)Red Ranger (2017 movie)