Icon-boukengerThis article is about a stage show in GoGo Sentai Boukenger.
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"Ay-yi-yi, this place is a disaster!"

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In a stage show where the Boukengers are seen fighting Gordom Civilization, Jaryuu Clan, Dark Shadow, & Ashu Tribe, Akarenger, Spade Ace, Battle Japan, DenziRed, VulEagle, GoggleRed, DynaRed, Red1, ChangeDragon, Red Flash, Red Mask, Red Falcon, Red Turbo, FiveRed, Red Hawk, TyrannoRanger, RyuRanger, NinjaRed, OhRed, Red Racer, MegaRed, GingaRed, GoRed, TimeRed, GaoRed, HurricaneRed, AbaRed, DekaRed, & MagiRed arrive to assist the Boukengers.

Icon-boukenger List of GoGo Sentai Boukenger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Task. 1: The Heart of the Demon GodTask. 2: The Dragon ThievesTask. 3: The Champion's BladesTask. 4: The Lost VehiclesTask. 5: The Imperial PearlTask. 6: The Cursed FogTask. 7: The Salamander's ScaleTask. 8: The Treasure of AtlantisTask. 9: The Paper Crane NinjaTask. 10: Bouken Red Disappears
Episodes 11-20
Task. 11: The Showdown on the Isolated IslandTask. 12: The Pipes of HamelinTask. 13: The Treasures of Princess KaguyaTask. 14: The Revived PastTask. 15: The Water MetropolisTask. 16: The Water CrystalTask. 17: The Ashu MirrorTask. 18: The Man that LivedTask. 19: The Dazzling AdventurerTask. 20: The Brand-New Giant
Episodes 21-30
Task. 21: The Mallet of UchideTask. 22: The Ring of SolomonTask. 23: The Dangerous PartnerTask. 24: The Hatsune DrumTask. 25: The Forbidden FruitTask. 26: The Glass SlipperTask. 27: The Feng-Shui TrapTask. 28: The Legendary ArmorTask. 29: The Golden SwordTask. 30: The Rage of the Golden Majin
Episodes 31-40
Task. 31: The Flame of the Ruined CountryTask. 32: The Secret of the Adventure SchoolTask. 33: The Sun of LemuriaTask. 34: The Distant MemoriesTask. 35: The Head of GodTask. 36: The Oni's KanabouTask. 37: The Yearned-For Showbiz WorldTask. 38: The Rainbow ClothTask. 39: The Prometheus StoneTask. 40: The Western Ashu
Episodes 41-49
Task. 41: The Mercurius VesselTask. 42: The Age of the QuestersTask. 43: The Dangerous Christmas PresentTask. 44: The Hermit's OnsenTask. 45: The Evilest Wicked DragonTask. 46: The Awakened DarknessTask. 47: The Box of DespairTask. 48: The Fearsome High PriestLast Task: The Boundless Adventure Souls
Movies & Stage Shows
Movies: GoGo Sentai Boukenger The Movie: The Greatest PreciousGoGo Sentai Boukenger vs. Super SentaiJuken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger
Stage Shows: Boukenger Stage Show at Super Hero New Hero LegendBoukenger Stage Show at 3 Heroes New Hero LegendBoukenger Stage Show at Double Hero Tokyo Dome CityBoukenger Stage Show at Red Heroes Tokyo Dome CityBoukenger Stage Show at Return of Mahou Sentai Magiranger WAKAYAMA Marina-citybleBoukenger Stage Show at Super Hero Nagoya DomeGoGo Sentai Boukenger Final Live Tour 2007