Icon-gingamanThis article is about a monster in Seiju Sentai Gingaman.

"Who are we?"
"We're Battobas Monster Corps!"
"Who's terrified of us?"
"Who's the coolest?"
"We're the coolest!"
―Bombs' introduction roll call[src]

Bombs (ボンブス, Bonbusu) is a cannonball-themed Majin.


He is sent to heat up a special healing ore for Daitanix's heart by having his Yarots plant thirty specially made bombs across Tokyo so the heat from the intense explosion turning the city into an inferno would be effective. However, an accidental detonation reveals Bomb's actions to the Gingamen with the scheme foiled by Hayate with Haruhiko's help. After being defeated by the Beast Armor Shine Ginga Green, Bombs drinks Balban Extract before he is destroyed by Super Armor Shine Gingaioh with assistance from Giga Phoenix. and later by the Megarangers in Seiju Sentai Gingaman vs. Megaranger.


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Powers and Abilities[]


  • Electroportation: Bombs can teleport himself and others next to him to and from any location at will by charging blue electricity between his hands and then firing it across his body to warp away.
  • Body Modification: Bombs is able to turn any of his arms into different forms, such as a cannon.


  • Strength: Bombs is a very strong majin, easily sending the Gingaman flying with single punches each.
  • Durability: Bombs was able to take multiple hits from Hayate wielding both his and Ryouma's Starbeast Swords without taking significant damage.


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  • Right Arm Cannon: Bombs can transform his right arm into a large black cannon from which he can fire two types of cannonballs:
    • Teleportation Cannonballs: Bombs's primary ability where he shoots a special glowing orange fireball from his arm cannon like a cannonball into his enemies to teleport them to a location of his choosing.
    • Explosive Cannonballs: Bombs can also fire highly explosive cannonballs from his cannon strong enough to take down all the Gingaman with one hit and damage the Starbeasts.

Behind the Scenes[]


  • to be added


  • Bombs was designed by character designer Yoshiharu Shimojo.
  • His design is based on a cannonball.

Concept Art[]


  • Bombs' name is simply a plural form of "bomb".


to be added


See Also[]



Icon-gingaman Seiju Sentai Gingaman
Ryoma - Hayate - Gouki - Hikaru - Saya - Hyuga
Ginga Forest: Elder Orghi - Fairy Bokku - Wisdom Tree Moak - Miharu
Others: Haruhiko Aoyama - Yuuta Aoyama - Suzuko Mizusawa - BullBlack - Krantz - Shunsuke Kishimoto
Legend Sentai: Kenta Date - Koichiro Endo - Shun Namiki - Chisato Jogasaki - Miku Imamura - Matoi Tatsumi - Nagare Tatsumi - Shou Tatsumi - Daimon Tatsumi - Matsuri Tatsumi
Transformation Devices
Ginga Brace - Bull Riot
Starbeast Swords - Mechanical Blade Kiba - Beast Attack Rods - Knight Axe
Beast Racehorses - Galeo Pulsar
Lights of Ginga - Beast Armor Shine
Mecha and Robos
Starbeast GingaLeon - Starbeast Gingalcon - Starbeast Gingarilla - Starbeast Gingaverick - Starbeast Gingat - Heavy Starbeast GoTaurus
GigaBitus - GigaWheel 1 - GigaWheel 2 - GigaWheel 3 - GigaWheel 4 - GigaWheel 5 - GigaWing 1 - GigaWing 2 - GigaWing 3 - GigaWing 4 - GigaWing 5
Giant Robos:
Seiju Gattai GingaiOh - Combined Beast-Warrior BullTaurus - GigaBitus Scramble Mode - Steel Starbeast GigaRhinos - Steel Starbeast GigaPhoenix
Space Pirates Barban
Leader: Captain Zahab
Crew: Steerwoman Shellinda - Barreled Scholar Bucrates - Dark Merchant Biznella - Ihab
Balban Majin Army Generals: Gun Boss Sambash - Samurai General Budoh - Spectral Empress Iliess - Destruction King Battobas
Sambash Majin Gang
Kolshizer - Rigurou - Dreddredder - Bucter - Tagredor - Torbador - Dolmar - Mandiger - Sutoijii - Neikaa - Gurinjii
Budoh Majin Mob
Komuhachi - Fudasoujou - Kemuemon - Amehoshi - Kugutsudayuu - Kairikibou - Sunabakutou - Hyoudogasa - Houretsudou - Dotoumusha - Onimaru & Yamimaru
Iliess Majin Tribe
Medoumedou - Wangawanga - Geltgelt - Morgumorgu - Hielahiela - Barukibaruki - Gaaragaara - Merudameruda - Desphias
Battobas Majin Corps
Bammers - Bombs - Gobies - Magdas - Bazoogas - Degius - Dangs - Chainzaws - Zakkas - Mizziles
Demon Beasts
Demon Beast Daitanix - Earth Demon Beast
Grunts: Seamen Yartots
Other Villains: Hizumina - Captain Gregory - Demon Beast Daitanix II - Demon Beast Fortress Ghelmadix