Icon-liveman This article is about a monster in Choju Sentai Liveman.

Bomber Brain (ボンバーヅノー Bonbā Zunō) is an explosive-themed Brain Beast of the Armed Brain Army Volt.


Bomber Brain is a bomb-theme monster created by the Great Professor Bias after he becomes young again with his collection of brains. He sends him to find a Liveman. He finds Tetsuya and put a device on him, allowing to Bias to control him. When the Livemen return to their base after defeating Guildos and Butchy, Bomber Brain follows them. Tetsuya desactivates the alarm, Bomber Brain enters in Livemen's base and begins to dispose his bombs to destroy it. He gives to Tetsuya many of his bombs to go faster, but Tetsuya is caught by Yusuke and flees. Tetsuya gravely injures Colon and flees again. He threatens the Livemen to explode their base while Bomber Brain poses the last bombs. Bias orders to Tetsuya to destroy the ship, but he resists, frees himself with his friends's help and destroy Bias's device. Bomber Brain appears in front of the Livemen and prepares to explode himself to destroy them and their base. But with Jou's help, Yusuke ejects him and Bomber Brain explodes. Enlarged by Gash, Bomber Brain is destroyed for good by the Super Liverobo.


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Powers and Abilities[]


  • Self Destruction: Bomber Brain is able to implode itself.


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  • Bombs: Bomber Brain has bombs in combat.
  • Mind Control Disk: Bomber Brain can use its mind control disk to put his target under its control

Behind the Scenes[]


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Concept Art[]


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Icon-liveman Choju Sentai Liveman
Yusuke Amamiya - Jou Ohara - Megumi Misaki - Tetsuya Yano - Junichi Aikawa
Colon - Takuji Yano - Mari Aikawa - Doctor Hoshi
Legend Sentai: Riki Honoo - Daichi Yamagata - Youhei Hama - Shunsuke Hino - Haruna Morikawa - Captain Marvelous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari
Transformation Devices
Twin Brace
Live Blaster - Falcon Saber - Falcon Sword - Lion Bazooka - Lion Punch - Dolphin Arrow - Bison Rod - Sai Cutters - Biomotion Buster - Triple Bazooka
Moto Machines - Live Cougar
Mecha and Robos
Jet Falcon - Land Lion - Aqua Dolphin - Bison Liner - Sai Fire
Machine Buffalo
Giant Robos:
Choju Gattai LiveRobo - Live Boxer
Armed Brain Army Volt
Leader: Great Professor Bias
Bodyguard: Guardnoid Gash
Generals: Doctor Kemp - Doctor Mazenda - Doctor Obular - Doctor Ashura - Guildian Guildos - Chibuchian Butchy
Brain Beasts
Disconnect Brain - Virus Brain - Transmission Brain - Engine Brain - Time Brain - Anger Brain - Tank Brain - Maze Brain - Baboon Brain - Test Brain - Poison Gas Brain - Elec Brain - Fire Brain - Plasma Brain - Pierrot Brain - Twin Brain - Study Brain - Regeneration Brain - Obular Brain - Guitar Brain - Sword Brain - Pig Brain - Spirit Brain - Light Brain - Earthquake Brain - Vega Brain (Vega Baby) - Gore Brain - Robo Brain - Gal Brain - Guild Brain - Armor Brain - Shark Brain - Wolf Brain - Meteor Brain - Space Brain - Invisible Brain - Bomber Brain - Guildo Brain - Reckless Brain - Hacker Brain - Battle Brain - Nightmare Brain - Terror Beast Brain - Electron Brain
Footsoldiers: Jimmers
Mecha: Giga Volt