Icon-gobustersThis article is about a zord in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

"Deploy Beast-X King Zord!"
―Summoning call.[src]

The Beast-X King Zord is a lion/ATV-themed Zord in Power Rangers Beast Morphers and the most powerful (individual) Zord that the Rangers have access to.


The Beast-X King Zord, in its vehicle mode, resembles a three-wheeler motorcycle with a spearhead sticking out of the front. Its Beast Mode is a lion. All of its forms sport a dark blue coloration with gold accents. 

Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 7-9, 13-14, 16-18, 21-22


The Beast-X King Zord is a project created by Evox as Mayor Daniels, and General Burke without the knowledge of Grid Battleforce. Officially it is to be mass produced to protect the Global Morph-X Tower System while the Rangers deal with the Cybervillains. In actuality, Evox wants to control the new Zord to destroy the Rangers. Megan, a former employee of Grid Battleforce is made the lead engineer. Before the Beast-X King Zord makes its official debut, Evox orders the creation of Controlatron, who brainwashes Nate in order to get a malware program which will take control over it. Although he and Controladrone are destroyed, the scheme is successful since he is able to give it to Scrozzle before his death. Tvicon TV STORY-The Blame Game

During the demonstration of the Lion Mode, Blaze and Roxy take control over it with a malware infused dart. While Devon fends off the machine with the Racer Zord Cheetah Mode, Nate begins looking for a solution. The Zord proves too much for even the Racer Zord in Battle Mode, proving way too powerful for it because Nate refuses to even listen to Megan, still angry over their last encounter. The Racer Zord eventually manages to hold the Beast-X King Zord in place long enough for Nate to upload an anti-virus into it but this instead changes it into its more powerful Battle Mode. The new "Megazord" easily overwhelms the Racer Zord and Nate is helpless until Zoey convinces him to let Megan help by uploading a new program into the Beast-X King Ultra Bow. The King Zord soon returns to normal after the program is shot into it by a Beast-X King Power Bolt, which changes it back to its Lion Mode but Blaze shows up in his rebuilt Megazord, ready for a rematch. As the Racer Zord is low on power, Devon switches over to the King Zord and destroys Blaze once again with the Zord's Battle Mode. As an apology, Megan gives the Rangers the Beast-X King Activator and key. Tvicon TV STORY-Beast King Rampage

When Devon is trapped inside of Boxertron and fighting Deltadrone and Gammadrone. Nate realizes that they may be able to break through the seemingly indestructible dome by installing the Ultrazord program into the Beast-X King Zord. They retreat from outside of Boxertron but quickly return with their Zord fleet before they combine into the brand new Beast-X King Ultrazord. Mere moments before Gammadrone can finish off the Racer Zord, the Ultrazord stabs its lance into the dome and forces both the Robotron, his Gigadrones, and the Racer Zord out. The Ultrazord uses two extremely powerful attacks to destroy the Gigadrones and easily shrugs off Boxertron's signature jump kick. Nate gives Devon the opportunity to take out the Robotron which he does by clothes-lining the monster before the Ultrazord takes him out. Tvicon TV STORY-Boxed In

Whilst the other Rangers battle Tiaratron, Devon in his Racer Zord goes after Tiaradrone with added firepower provided by the Beast-X King Zord vehicle mode. The Gigadrone deploys a bunch of Drones but they are all destroyed and Devon uses the King Combo strike to obliterate the Gigadrone. Tvicon TV STORY-Secret Struggle

A short while later, Commander Shaw decides to take all Morph-X out of the Morph-X Towers and return it to the Morphin Grid in light of the revelation that Evox is possessing Mayor Daniels. Realizing that Morph-X Tower Five may be the last chance to get any Morph-X, since the attack by Blaze, Roxy, and Bulldozertron fail, Scrozzle sends down Bulldozerdrone. With Devon needing to take a call from Doctor K, and Nate needing to upload the Megazord program into the Beast-X King Zord, Steel takes control of the Beast-X King Zord and he, Zoey, and Ravi combine it with the Wheeler and Chopper Zords to form the Beast-X King Megazord which makes short work of the Gigadrone. Tvicon TV STORY-The Evox Snare

The Beast-X King Zord is summoned by Nate when Thiefdrone steals the Striker Megazord's arsenal and uses it against him and Steel. The Beast-X King Zord uses its fire breath which makes the Gigadrone drop the weapons which the Striker Megazord picks up and uses to destroy Thiefdrone with the Striker Hyper Blast. Tvicon TV STORY-Making Bad

After the Rangers ward off Blaze, although they are critically injured in the process, Devon summons the Beast-X King Zord to aid the Dino Charge Megazord, Thundersaurus Megazord and Dino Megazord in the battle against the Chimera Zord. It combines with the Tri-Stego Ptera Formation to form the Dino Charge Megazord Beast-X King Formation. The new formation then combines its powers with the other Megazords to destroy the Chimera Zord although Evox manages to escape. Tvicon TV STORY-Grid Connection

Whilst the Jet Zord is fighting Clawdrone, Devon deploys in his Racer Zord mounted on the Beast-X King Zord in vehicle mode. The Gigadrone tries to obliterate it with an energy blast from its eye but the Zords are undamaged and a Proton Blast severely shakes it up which allows the Jet Zord and Wrecker Zord to destroy it with the Jet Zord Collider Crash. Tvicon TV STORY-Golden Opportunity

The Beast-X King Zord is summoned to aid the Racer Zord in battle against Antennadrone 2.0 so initially transforms into vehicle mode which the Racer Zord rides atop before changing into Battle Mode and the two fight the Gigadrone. However, the Gigadrone is still too strong so they form the Beast-X King Megazord which destroys Antennadrone 2.0 with help from the Racer Zord and its Cheetah Hyper Strike. Tvicon TV STORY-The Silva Switch

After Roxy grows into a giant Gigadrone-like form, the entire Zord fleet is deployed including the Beast-X King Zord. They form the Beast-X King Ultrazord, which is forced to activate its shields after taking a pounding from her. She flies into the air and fires energy projectiles at the formation but it absorbs the energy to create an energy tornado which knocks her from the sky before taking her out with the Beast-X King Ultra Strike. With the Robot Maker destroyed by her earlier power infusion, this is the permanent end of Robo-Roxy. Tvicon TV STORY-Fossil Frenzy

Whilst the Striker and Beast-X Megazords are fighting Evox's personal Gigadrone, Omegadrone, they are all trapped in a hangar but the Gigadrone gives the Zords a pounding and most of their systems are destroyed when it fires its cannons at point blank range. With their systems critical, they summon the Beast-X King Zord which arrives in Battle Mode and they all manage to push it back into the wall. Devon wants to destroy it with his Cheetah Beast Blaster but it overloads and exploded before he can do so, critically damaging every single Zord in the Rangers' arsenal. Tvicon TV STORY-Crunch Time

By the next day, the Zords (barring perhaps the Racer Zord) have been repaired and had to stop Venjix in his gigantic Gigadrone-like form. The Beast-X King Ultrazord is utterly helpless against him, nearly getting torn apart twice, so Nate takes the power out of the Wrecker and Jet Zords to give them complete access to the Zord's supply of Morph-X. They then switch to the Beast-X King Megazord and stab Venjix in the chest, using their human DNA charged Morph-X to break through into his core and kill him. Following the destruction of Evox, the Beast-X King Zord and all the Rangers' surviving Zords are presumably still active and operational but on standby. Tvicon TV STORY-Evox Unleashed


Vehicle Mode[]

The Beast-X King Zord has a Bike Mode that is more durable on land. The Beast-X King Zord's bike mode can also have the spear attached into its vehicle mode's mouth to resemble a dual blaster or it can be wielded by the Racer Zord in spear mode or dual blaster mode while piloted by the Red Ranger himself. Its primary attack is the Proton Blast (also known as the Moto Blast), a powerful double orange blast from its blaster strong enough to destroy Tiaradrone's Tiara Probes and severely stun Clawdrone.

The finisher for this is the King Combo Strike where Devon summons his Cheetah Beast Blaster and the resulting energy makes the spear-gun fire a devastating double red or orange energy blast from the blaster's barrels, instantly obliterating the Gigadrone on contact.

Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 7-8, 14-16

Lion Mode[]

The Beast-X King Zord is able to transform into a Lion Mode for more land mobility. It has a variety of attacks at its disposal such as the ability to launch fireballs and charge up its claws with blue energy to perform a large energy slash. Arguably its most powerful attack in this form is where it spins its "mane" to charge it up with red energy and shoot a large stream of fire from its mouth. Like with the vehicle mode, it can also allow the Racer Zord to ride onto its back and use the spear in spear mode or dual blaster mode.

Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 7-9, 13, 16-18, 21-22 

Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode[]

"Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode!"
―Transformation announcement.[src]

The Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode is an alternative form of the Beast-X King Zord. It is formed by typing 'KZB' on the keyboard. In this mode, it is able to use a double-ended lance and a shield during battle. The Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode's attack includes the Beast-X King Flame Strike (a stream of fire from its shield's mouth) and its finisher is called the Scepter Slash, which involves energizing its lance with blue lightning and delivering a devastating double slash into the Gigadrone.

Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 7, 16-18

Additional Formations[]

Beast-X King Megazord[]

"Beast-X King Megazord, combine!"
―Combination announcement.[src]

The Beast-X King Megazord is an alternative form of the Beast-X Megazord, but instead of using the Racer Zord, it would use the Beast-X King Zord to become the main component of this Megazord formation with the Chopper Zord and Wheeler Zord latching onto it. It is formed by typing 'KMZ' into the keypad. In this mode, the Beast-X King Megazord can use the Beast-X Blade and the rotors from the Chopper Zord during battle.

Its finisher is the Beast-X King Hyper Beam where the Megazord charges up the lion head on its chest to fire a devastating blue energy beam from it capable of destroying Gigadrones in mere seconds.

Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 9, 16, 20 

Beast-X King Ultrazord[]

"Beast-X King Ultrazord, combine!"
―Combination announcement.[src]

The Beast-X King Ultrazord is an alternative form based off of the Beast-X Ultrazord, where the Chopper, Wheeler, Jet, and Wrecker Zords combine with the Beast-X King Zord instead of the Racer Zord and the most powerful Megazord at the Rangers' disposal. It is formed by typing 'KUZ' into the keypad. In this mode, the Beast-X King Ultrazord can use the giant lance that was used by the Beast-X Ultrazord during battle.

The Beast-X King Ultrazord’s attacks include the Rapid Blast (a series of laser shots fired from the Ultrazord's blaster strong enough to destroy Deltadrone) and the Ultra Slash (where it energizes its arm blades with golden energy and performs a massive dual blade slash strong enough to take out Gammadrone). As seen when fighting Roxy, the Beast-X King Ultrazord can absorb energy into itself to unleash a devastating tornado of red energy strong enough to knock her straight out of the sky.

Its finisher is the Beast-X King Ultra Strike where the Ultrazord charges up its lance with green Morph-X energy and slashes at the target 3 times.

Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 17, 20-21

Behind the Scenes[]


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  • Unlike the other Zords in the Grid Battleforce fleet, no toy version of the Beast-X King Zord was produced for Hasbro's Transforming Zord line, though an electronic Beast-X King Ultrazord toy was released during the second year for Beast Morphers.
  • The Beast-X King Ultrazord is the only Ultrazord to not have the Red Ranger's Zord as part of it.
  • Unlike most other Ultrazords that were destroyed in their respective season's finale, the Beast-X King Ultrazord remained operational after defeating the Venjix Virus.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Beast Morphers Icon-gobusters
Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel - Tyler Rinker
Beast-X Morpher - Striker Morpher - Beast-X Visor - Morph-X Keys - Beast-X Blaster - Beast-X Saber - Striker Saber - Cheetah Beast Blaster - Cheetah Claws - Beast-X Ultra Blaster - Beast-X King Activator - Beast-X King Ultra Bow - Beast-X Spin Saber
Grid Battleforce: Commander Shaw - General Burke - Betty Burke - Ben Burke - Blaze - Roxy - Megan - Cole
Civilians: Mayor Adam Daniels - Muriel Reeves - Joey - Regina Collins - Dr. Walsh - Kerry Dixon - Mike Reeves
Captain Chaku - Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Keeper
Legendary Dino Rangers:Tyler Navarro - Koda - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Jason Lee Scott - Billy Cranston - Black Ranger - Yellow Ranger - Kimberly Ann Hart
Beast Bots

Cruise - Smash - Jax - Steel

Zords & Megazords
Racer Zord - Wheeler Zord - Chopper Zord - Wrecker Zord - Jet Zord - Beast-X King Zord - Reptillobeast
Racer Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X Megazord - Wrecker Zord Battle Mode - Striker Megazord - Beast-X Ultrazord - Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X King Megazord - Beast-X King Ultrazord
Leader: Evox/Venjix
Generals: Scrozzle - Blaze - Roxy - Vargoyle
Foot Soldiers: Tronics - Gigatronics
Zords: Ripper Zord - Chimera Zord - Omegadrone
Season One: Cycletron - Needletron - Shoveltron - Slicertron - Meltatron - Railtron - Vacuutron - Antennatron - Drilltron - Tooltron - Clonetron - Tubatron - Tubatron 2.0 - Burnertron - Turbotron - Shockatron - Spiketron - Infernotron
Season Two: Drilltron 2.0 - Trappertron - Gamertron - Keytron - Digitron - Controlatron - Dumbbelltron - Boxertron - Tiaratron - Bulldozertron - Thieftron - Clawtron - Antennatron 2.0 - Railtron 2.0
Season One: Cycledrone - Needledrone - Shoveldrone - Slicerdrone - Meltadrone - Raildrone - Vacuudrone - Antennadrone - Drilldrone - Tooldrone - Delta Gigadrone 1 - Clonedrone - Tubadrone - Tubadrone 2.0 - Burnerdrone - Turbodrone - Shockadrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 1 - Unidentified Gigadrone 2 - Spikedrone - Delta Gigadrone 2 - Infernodrone
Season Two: Drilldrone 2.0 - Trapperdrone - Gamerdrone - Keydrone - Digidrone - Controladrone - Alphadrone - Betadrone - Gammadrone - Deltadrone - Tiaradrone - Bulldozerdrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 3 - Unidentified Gigadrone 4 - Thiefdrone - Clawdrone - Antennadrone 2.0
Sledge's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Poisandra - Wrench - Fury - Curio - Vivix
Ryjack - Goldar - Putty Patrollers - Triptoids