Icon-boonboomgerThis article is about an episode in Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger.

Bakuage 47: There is More Than One Deliverer (届け屋はひとりじゃない Todoke-ya wa Hitori Janai) is the forty-seventh and penultimate episode of Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger. It is the fourth part of the Boonboomger endgame, featuring the Sanseaters' redemption, Ishiro Meita's defection from Eiichiro Tokoyari and return to the Boonboomgers, the death of Shaishai Sarucar, and the final appearance of Boonboom Killer Robo.


For the sake of peace on earth, Mira has no choice but to marry Spindo!? However, this means that the Boonboomgers have been defeated by the Hashiriyan.... As the Boonboomgers fall apart, Mira decides what "handle she will hold in her hand"!?


Following the events from the previous episode, Ishiro delivers a message frok Tokoyari, which is a proposal for the Boonboomgers and Hashiriyans to live in peace -- that being Spindo and Bun Pink get married. Mira is heavily against the idea, but Genba ponders it, seeing that it would finally put an end to the fighting -- but Byun Diesel sees it as surrendering. With the belief that they've lost, and the Boonboom Killer Robo incident posing the Boonboomgers as terrorists, Mira ultimately decides to marry Spindor. Aware of her decision, she lets Taiya know that she'll be taking control of the situation, which Taiya understands.

Meeting up with Ishiro, Mira gives him her BoonBoom Changer and tells him that the Boonboomgers have broken up. Sakito and Byun Diesel observe an army of Boonboom Killer Robos being used for business -- a decision which earthlings chose over them. Aware of the situation, they know they have to destroy them all. Eiichiro informs Spindo of Bun Pink's agreement to marry him, believing that they are now victorious. Grantu Risk also mentions the second wave of Yarucars are making their way to Earth, and notes how the recent failure was less embarrassing than his past failures before meeting Spindor and how he would've been turned into scrap if they hadn't met; but Spinder tells him to think otherwise of himself. Meanwhile, the Sanseaters run from a group of Nejiretta shooting at them after their recent betrayal, but Jyo as Bun Black takes them all out by himself, claiming that he heard children say someone was screaming for help.

Senji begs his uncle to convince the public that the Boonboomgers aren't the enemy, but Raita continues to deny this claim and tell him that he was tricked along with everyone else, and that the Hashiriyan know what's best for the Earth. He then gets a call on the phone, which he is shocked to hear about as he learns some of the Killer Robo army is being destroyed by Byun Diesel and Sakito. Thinking nothing of it, Spindor makes plans to announce his wedding with Bun Pink to the public, but Mira demands to be given a wedding present -- ownership of the BBG, which Spindo excitingly accepts. Talking it over with Grantu Risk, the latter is not so sure with the idea, thinking it might be a trap. However, Spindo saw this coming as a plan to hijack the Hashiriyan from the inside. Impressed as he is, he has a contingency plan -- a ring that controls the heart of the person wearing it.

After patching up the Sanseaters, Jyo now realizes that they have quit working for Spindo, which prompts him to reveal that he quit working for the police, shocking both the Sanseaters and the children. After a brief moment of bonding, Jyo and the Sanseaters are ambushed by more Nejiretta, with both Jyo and Decotrade take them on. Meanwhile, Byun Diesel and Sakito are still defeating a handful of Boonboom Killer Robos, only to be surrounded by a bunch more, making them more motivated to finishing the job. Raita observes this and calls someone to send the BoonBoom Killer Robos on behalf of the director, but Senji is one of the few people who haven't given up on the Boonboomgers-- telling them not to lose. As Keisuke tries to request backup after finding Bun Black, the children prevent him from going any further, believing the Boonboomgers aren't the enemy, and continuing to cheer them on.

Meanwhile, after Taiya and Shirabe finish up on some necessary work, the broadcast of Spindo and Bun Pink's marriage begins airing across the world. Spindo takes the ring and declares his victory as he prepares to put the heart-controlling ring on Mira's finger. But just before he can, Taiya halts the wedding and snatches Mira away, knocking away Shaishai Sarucar. Taiya throws Ishiro his Boonboom Changer, allowing him to summon Boonboom Marine and destroy Shaishai Sarucar and deplete Spindo's Ghassolin-- revealing that both the wedding, and Ishiro working with the ISA, was all a ruse to lower Spindo's guard and weaken him. Additionally, Genba appears and informs everyone that the wave of Yarucars won't be coming after he supplied a barricade (made from the parts of the spaceship he came in) to prevent them from coming to Earth. After another wave of Nejiretta appears, Jyo appears and takes them all out as quickly as he arrives, saying that even when the people of Earth are brainwashed into thinking they're evil, he will protect them no matter what. Eiichiro calls Raita for him to send a Killer Robo to his location, but Raita informs him that would be an issue, as Byun Diesel and Sakito had already destroyed the last one. Spindo is filled with both amusement and rage at the scenario; as Grantu Risk steps in to take the Boonboomgers on, the team transforms into Champion Boonboomger and prepare themselves in what will be the final battle.


Guest Cast[]

  • Itsuki Hirose (広瀬 イツキ Hirose Itsuki): Kairu Yamamoto (山本 海瑠 Yamamoto Kairu)
  • Itsuki Hirose's brother: Taiki Ogomi (尾込 泰徠 Ogomi Taiki)
  • Senji Naito (内藤 千二 Naitō Senji): Jun Saito (齊藤 潤 Saitō Jun)
  • Announcer: Nozomi Seina (星南 のぞみ Seina Nozomi)

Suit Actors[]

Form Changes and Collectibles Used[]

Champion Customize[]


  • to be added


DVD Releases[]

to be added

External Links[]



Icon-boonboomger List of Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Bakuage 1: Deliverer's HandleBakuage 2: The Informant Does Not ApproveBakuage 3: The Driver Won't StopBakuage 4: A Voice Calling For a HeroBakuage 5: The Police Will Not FalterBakuage 6: White and BlackBakuage 7: Procurer's BrakeBakuage 8: Runaway and DivideBakuage 9: Deliverers' HandlesBakuage 10: An Exciting Mission
Episodes 11-20
Bakuage 11: What The Boy WantsBakuage 12: Explosive EngineBakuage 13: Treacherous ProcurementBakuage 14: Cool and WildBakuage 15: Lock and KeyBakuage 16: Purple SettlerBakuage 17: Bun and ByunBakuage 18: I Don't Like the SettlerBakuage 19: Amanogawa and the Path of HeavenBakuage 20: Yesterday Once More
Episodes 21-30
Bakuage 21: Flaming DeliveryBakuage 22: Lion's Flaming FuryBakuage 23: Flaming Baseball AdversityBakuage 24: The Song I Want to DeliverBakuage 25: Six-Wheel FireworksBakuage 26: Secrets of The UniverseBakuage 27: Not An Easy ChoiceBakuage 28: Switch Off The LightBakuage 29: Spy and FamilyBakuage 30: The Rampage Is Mine
Episodes 31-40
Bakuage 31: A Magnificent ChallengeBakuage 32: Hell's Playing TrainsBakuage 33: The Procurer Won't Give InBakuage 34: Cars That Carry DreamsBakuage 35: Blue ChampionBakuage 36: The Road to DreamsBakuage 37: Two SpiesBakuage 38: Vow of the SanseatersBakuage 39: Screaming StarsBakuage 40: The Immeasurable Man
Episodes 41-48
Bakuage 41: A Supportive BackBakuage 42: Holy Night PresentsBakuage 43: Powerful HandleBakuage 44: The Deliverer Doesn't ArriveBakuage 45: Enemies of the EarthBakuage 46: The Future is in Your HandsBakuage 47: There is More Than One DelivererBakuage Final: Your Handle
Movies, Specials & Stage Shows
Movies: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger GekijoBoon! Promise the Circuit
Specials: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger: Transformation & Combination Course! (Part 1Part 2)
Stage Shows: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Show Series 1: Appearing at Theater G-Rosso!!Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Show Series 2: Bun Violet Runs Alone! Lead the Way in a Chaotic World!!