Icon-changemanThis article is about a villain in Dengeki Sentai Changeman.

Adjutant Seama (副官シーマ Fukukan Shīma) is the former princess of Planet Amanga (アマンガ星 Amanga-sei), whose people are able to fight with psychic powers called Amanga Energy (アマンガエネルギー Amanga Enerugī). She is most notable for her deep, masculine voice.



As part of a ceremony for raising princesses on Planet Amanga, Seama was taken from her mother as a baby and raised by Uba, a Space Beast who possessed milk to help her grow up. Due to not having any connections with her mother, she became cold, emotionless and without any pity or love that would typically exist due to a mother's love, thus making her the perfect general for Bazeu's army. However, some of her accusations appear to be a lie, with some of her memories displaying having a happy, normal childhood even with her training to be queen. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 4: A Kiss After the Fight Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 12: Mama is Mermaid Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 46: Beautiful Seama!

During a battle with General Giluke after he had left the main Gozma forces and became Super Giluke, Seama loses her memory and displays a much different personality from her typical one: she is feminine in appearance and even in voice! While being observed by Hiryu Tsurugi, he comes to a conclusion that this may be Seama's true personality and that something happened to make her the way she typically is. Ultimately Seama regains her old self, denying everything that the Changeman had seen and appearing to return to the Gozma as herself.Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 46: Beautiful Seama!

As the Gozma begin to reach desperation in their battle tactics, Giluke begins to transform his former allies into Space Beasts, which he ultimately does to Seama transforming her into Zuune a Medusa Space Beast with snake-like hair she can fire electric attacks and snake projectiles, but her greatest ability involves the creation of diamonds out of mere stones; the diamonds amplify the greed and arrogance within the heart of women before being instructed to explode by the Space Beast. When the Changeman face her, Tsurugi recognizes her voice as Seama's, making him fight to reawaken her from within the Space Beast remembering the previous encounter and the belief in her actual self within.


Zuune after Seama broke out and reformed with Hidrer

Though appearing to be mindless in this form, a piece of Seama's conscious remained which emerged around her monstrous face this further reawakened due to the power of a song played by Waraji, Gator's son playing the "song of nostalgia" on his flute making her homesick for Amanga along with Tsurugi’s guidance, Seama was able to separate from her Space Beast form, but the remaining corpse revives by absorbing several Hidrers within itself. With the Hidrers, it gains a spherical ball, but the Changeman fire their Earth Force elements at it before destroying it with the Power Bazooka, then make quick work with Change Robo. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 49: The Sad Seama Beast Soldier

After the defection by Navigator Gator against all orders of the Gozma commanders, Seama begins to further question her connection to the Gozma and reaffirm her desire to be princess of Amanga once again. This is further solidified with the desperate usage of the Gozma of the Space Beast Daryl, a being who annihilated her entire planet due to possessing a power that was the exact opposite of her own Amanga Force, due to their reaction being powerful enough to hurt the Changeman. With Booba likewise realizing that there was no purpose in being the Gozma any further, he ends up enacting a plot to "remove" Seama, striking her down with his sword and supposedly killing her. Yet shockingly, Seama not only revives but likewise transforms back to her princess form and regains her memories and even her voice! Booba, before engaging Change Dragon in his fateful and deadly duel, actually used his weapon to eliminate Gozma's malevolent influence on Seama and also revived her true being as she was before becoming a Gozma commander. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 52: Booba Dies on Earth

After shedding tears of sadness in gratitude for Booba's heroic sacrifice, Seama joins with the Earth Defense Force during the final battle with the Gozma, including with Bazeu himself. After his defeat, Seama returns to space on Shuttlbase with many other aliens who were on Earth due to the Gozma, presumably to restore Amanga to how it was prior to its takeover. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 53: Fiery Ahames! - Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell, Friends of Space!

Turboranger clipshow[]

Adjutant Seama appears in the clips from Dengeki Sentai Changeman seen in the first episode of Kousoku Sentai Turboranger.


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DSC-Adjutant Seama

Adjutant Seama

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: Changeman Episodes TBA



Zuune (ズーネ Zūne)

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to Changeman episode 49.




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Behind the Scenes[]


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Concept Art[]


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  • Seama is the first villainess to survive at the end of the season and turn good.
  • The reason behind Seama's male voice is due to her actress being a model, thus giving her no acting experience prior to Changeman.




Icon-changeman Dengeki Sentai Changeman
Hiryu Tsurugi - Sho Hayate - Yuma Ozora - Sayaka Nagisa - Mai Tsubasa
Change Brace - Change Sword - Power Bazooka - Auto Changers - Change Cruiser
Yui Ibuki - Blitzkrieg Squadron - Nana - Sakura - Zoorii - Waraji - Turboranger - Gokaigers
Mecha and Robo
Shuttlbase - JetChanger-1 - HeliChanger-2 - LandChanger-3
Change Robo
Great Star League Gozma
Star King Bazeu - General Giluke - Queen Ahames - Adjutant Booba - Adjutant Seama - Navigator Gator - Gyodai - Jangeran - Hidrer Soldiers
Space Beast Warriors
Gabu - Gomu - Zobi - Uba - Picara - Kamira - Marzo - Taro/Demost - Dokyura - Ooz - Haust - Ghost - Bamba - Ballas - Rogan - Gaubar - Gilba - Jeeg - Seala - Volta - Miralca - Zela - Dodon - Kiga - Zonos - Hougul - Gilom - Pain - Gigara - Derical - Zolbas - Gizan - Jella - Davon - Baruruka - Doron - Damus - Zolte - Bola - Kaage - Gouda - Zados - Daros - Galga - Jigura - Bubuka - Zuune - Jan - Geran - Daryl - Maze - Girath